Thursday, December 12, 2013
Just A Hanging
Friday, December 6, 2013
Snow Day
Holy Moly! We got SNOW with a lot of Ice. Its so nerve racking working in the field that I am in because I travel. I don't want to disappoint the people I work for but I have no choice. It took Ken almost 4 hours to completely get the ice off my windshield just to ride up the road for cigarettes(for us) and milk for the kids. My client lives 30 minutes away from me over yander in the hills. But I hate to say that me and a ditch have never been friends. Well maybe back when I was younger and that was the only bathroom in the neareat 45 mile stretch. But come on now. It won't be beneifical if I slide off into a ditch. I mean hells bells the other day it was so foggy I had to pull over and prayed I was on the side of the road to check GPS on my phone to make sure I didn't pass it. What sucks even more is I don't know how long I will be out of work because it suppose to be sunny tomorrow but lows in the 20s then another mix of rain and snow. Jesus help me make it to the end of the year. We have bills and Christmas and ugh I wanna cry. Stress I tell ya. No one likes stress I know I don't because I smoke like a freight train and eat. lord help!
Pray for all of us that have been hit by Snow Storm 2013. That it doesn't turn into a repeat of 2009.