Wednesday, September 30, 2015

OH Where Oh Where Have I Been?

On August 19th was the last time that I posted a blog entry. OH MY, where have I been.  I know in that I would say come back tomorrow to find out why we are so busy.

Needless to say I never came back until now. I am going to fill you in why not only starting in September but actually as soon as school starts why we are so busy.

August is the month that my friend and I go to Rodeo. Not only do we go to Rodeo but that's when school starts back.  You would think that during the summer we would be busy and at times we are. However, the school year especially fall is when we are the busiest.  Especially starting September.  September 8th actually this year is when Ry's dance year started. (6th year baby!!!!) Not only that but she is at that point in her life in school where she can start playing little league volleyball, cheer leading, and etc. This year she chose volleyball. I mean you can't necessarily beat $20 dollars to play for a few months. Their games didn't actually start until September 19th and they began practices the last week or so of August. So on top of Dance on Mondays for almost 2 hours. She has Volleyball on Tuesday (practices) and Games on Saturday morning. (yes you read that right, on Saturday Mornings.) We also for both kids have had parent teachers conferences already. However, now we have hit the month of October. Tomorrow is October 1st and for us this is when the end of the year becomes one hell of a time.  October especially, are you ready for this??? October 10th, Ryleigh Birthday, October 20th, My dad's birthday, October 24 is a good friends birthday, October 25 is Ken's birthday, and October 26th is my sisters birthday. OY what was I thinking being friends with people in October. HEHE love them anyways.  So from the month of October until December we are short on money always. Between birthdays, trying to save for black friday, as well as buying Christmas in between on top of regular bills. (Speaking of which Ken gets paid tonight and need to budget out bills this week.)  Needless to say that since my daughter is turning 10 and will be in double digits {LORD HELP ME} we decided to throw her a party. She chose the place and mommy and daddy have paid.

Now on to some exciting news. I am going to start VLOGing I feel this is a way for me to blog and be able to capture everything in my children's lives. As well as talking about random things such as you know LIFE!

I only have one VLOG up as of now. I mean I just started.

head on over to and view my latest blog!