May 16 and May 17 has been some pretty crappy weather in our neck of the woods. It has been so gloomy and just nasty out. The tempature as well has been as low as the mid 40s. I mean seriously it is the middle of MAY! Where is my warm weather? I am literally laying in my bed covered up because it is so cold.
Yes, the title is right! I finally broke down and turned my heater on in the middle of May. Seriously Though...Is that even REAL LIFE? Yes, I know in some parts of the US it is still down right nippy this time of year. Especially for those in the northern coast areas. But I live in the south and this southern momma is ready for some WARM sunny days before it gets extremely HOT that ya can't enjoy anything.
However, its actually been quite gloomy and stormy for the last few weeks.
Head on over to The Eichhorst Family, and watch our DITL of a Mom Chasing Storms, it's that storm that has brought in all the cold weather!
Catch Ya'll Later
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Snake in my House?
OMGoodness!!!Today May 15, 2016 my fiancé was deep cleaning the kids room. Something we have put off for months. However their room had been trashed. Toys and bedding everywhere. Ken yelled for us to bring him some Tongs from the kitchen. I had no clue why, thought yep he found a moldy piece of pizza because Brayden is known for hiding his pizza.
Trust me I wish it was moldy pizza. But some how some way he found a baby garter snake. Yep, so while I went and got the rest of what we needed for groceries, Ken stayed back and finished their room and we are keeping it cleaned this time.
The only reasoning we can think of it getting into the house was we have field mice. We kill one after another. Well we believe the snake just followed the mouse. OMG tho, no snake in my boot but one in my kids room under Brayden bed.
Well off to bed I finally go, will catch y'all later.
The Long Awaited Summer PT 2
This will be at least 5 things that Brayden is extremely excited about for summer to be here.
Starting with ....number...
1. Brayden has counted down the days for some more in the past three weeks than he has all year. Brayden has struggled with school this year. Not academics you speaking but then again he did. Because of his diagnosis Brayden is highly intelligent but struggled with focusing. He A) already knew the work and became extremely bored. B) he couldn't focus to do anything and became frustrated because he wanted to do his own thing. With him struggling this year school has been hard on him on some days. So he is more than excited to not have to get up early because he has to go to school. But he's my early bird so he's looking forward to just being able to get up not have to worry about school for a few months.
2. Swimming. Brayden is very fond of water. ( yes we as parents know drowning is one of the leading causes of death in autistic children. Don't worry we are on top of things. We have instilled in
Both of our kids that no one, I mean neither one of them are aloud near the pool unless there is an adult present to watch them swim. Brayden knows if he wakes up in the morning before me he is to come get me up. He knows if him or sissy are caught near as meaning in the deck fixing to jump in without an adult. That mom will put a knife to it. This is something that before summer hits we preach it to them. Neither one has ever got caught near or in the pool without any of us around)
Brayden too is looking forward to playing baseball, for him he is still in T-Ball. This is his third year playing t-ball as he's played since he was actually 5 years old. If that makes since, if not I will break it down for you. (5 years old-1st year, 6 years old-2nd year, 7 years old-3rd year) However, the first two years he played I can say for an organization in the town as I say above our town but the town that is like 10-15 minutes north of us. This year he asked if he could play in the town we live in so that he can play with friends. So that's what he's doing and he seems to be more excited this year especially after finding out the other night that weather permitting he starts practices this coming Tuesday which will be tomorrow.
4. Before saying the fourth one; here's a disclaimer. My children gets a lot of outside time. We make them go outside a lot during the summer and sometimes even if they don't want to because we know they need some sun. Unless you know if they were sick. With that being said he's excited that he gets more game time. To play the Xbox, Wii, and to watch you tube videos on the computer. So he's excited for that as well.
Finally, last but not least, as well as could be hard to think of. But....
Number Cinco
He's excited and looking forward to our annual trip up north. Usually this is for Rys eye doctor appoint that is 2 and half hours away. If you are wandering why we travel two hours for the doctor especially just an eye doctor. I will soon make a post and follow up on why. But he's excited for this because he LOVES "living" in a hotel for a few weeks. As well as for the last four years this one being the fifth year doing this; every year we have went Nana has bought them a build a bear.
Well that's what Brayden is looking forward to this summer. Are Your children looking forward to anything this summer?
Don't forget to check out part one to find out all of what Ry is looking forward to as well as come back to find out if anything for the summer excites me.
Catch y'all later .
Saturday, May 14, 2016
The Long Awaited Summer Part 1
Part one of the enjoyment to come. The ins of what my daughter is looking toward to this summer. Here's a list of 5 things below Ryleigh is excited about this summer.
Starting with...
1. First and foremost the end of the school year. No more waking up early; at least for a few months.
2. As pictured below of the group of softball girls, softball is something she's extremely excited about. This is her first year and so far has stayed interested in it.
3. Ry I can't say is looking forward to having surgery but looking toward to not having to deal with swollen tonsils, sore throat, and bring able to rest.
4. Swimming in our new pool. She can't wait to get the liner and get it up.
5. We have doctors appointments coming up in a place two hours away. My mom usually goes with me so Ken doesn't have to take off work; meaning it becomes a mini vacation.
Hoping this year we can head an hour south and enjoy some "park" play.
I hope you enjoyed 5 things Ry is looking forward to for the summer of 2016.
Come back in a few days to find out what Brayden is excited for this summer
Catch y'all later
Brayden's Unfinished Diagnosis
In some of my post and even video's on our You Tube Channel (The Eichhorst Family), I have spoke of Brayden being diagnosed with Autism. You may be wandering why I have made the title state that it's an unfinished diagnosis. Here's why.....
Brayden every since he was a little boy and when your in the doctor office as new born; first year of life checkup and they go over the "Autism Checklist" signs of Autism in your child. Brayden fit a lot of them to a T. His doctor always felt he was just an independent child. Few years go by and I get with Ken and we move in together. Ken has a family member that has Asperger's and I have friends that have family with the same diagnosis. I have known since he was a little baby that he was my special baby. Well eventually life catches up with you and before you know it your "itty bitty" baby is now in Pre-school. I had spoke with the teachers the findings that Ken and I felt. But in pre-school the signs are almost what you would considered hidden. Because at that age unless the child is what they have called "Full Blown" Autistic. Brayden isn't and that is where the unfinished came from. Well as a preschooler I had spoke with the speech therapist because I already knew her because of Ryleigh about some of the words he was pronouncing and how he was pronouncing them. She was able to use some of his speech sounds and get him in speech therapy in preschool which a lot of times is very rare. She too, noticed the signs of "Asperger's". But that is all that was every really spoke of it. Therefor here comes Kindergarten. The signs were there but not as prominent. There was one time that he felt out of his element and that was a day during a storm. He was so overstimulated by the thunder that he cut up his homework, wouldn't pay attention, couldn't focus, cut his crayons as well as cut his shirt. Later that night at home even cut his hair. By now you are probably thinking then why is he not diagnosed with Autism if you and the teachers have noticed it.
Well here below I'll explain this year and what pushed us to work with the teachers, therapist, as well as his doctor to get him a diagnosis.
The first quarter of first grade Brayden was a straight A distinctive student. By the first few weeks of second quarter EVERYTHING changed. Brayden begin not wanting to do his work. Not wanting any part of school, not wanting to do anything to do with school. He was what you would considered flunking the first grade because he wouldn't do his work but he knew all the answers. Finally speaking with the speech therapist who also does other therapies such as working with Autistic children, finally voiced to me something needed to be done. And basically if his doctor wasn't going to take the time out to help us help him. That as a mother I needed to find a new one. Well at this point and seeing how at the time Brayden's issue was affecting school. That's when the doctor got on board. Especially after I told him that Brayden voiced to us that it isn't that he doesn't want to do his work, but sometimes his brain won't let his fingers right. Finally on February 5th, 2016 Brayden was diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder) and PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder) Is that even Autism related? Yes it is! Well in our case it is. It's basically a way for the pediatrician to give him an Autistic diagnosis without giving it an Autistic name. Basically because in most states an Autistic child has to be diagnosis officially by psychologist that specializes with Autism. That is why his diagnosis is unfinished because we are waiting for the near by Autistic center to get him in. He is 39 on the list and the problem we have encountered is he more than likely with only one psychologist and the lengthiness of this test won't be seen before school starts back in August which is what we are aiming for. Just so he can start second grade fresh. That's where his speech therapist comes into play this summer because she is going to be helping him with his language and social aspects over the summer. Just so he can start second grade with better socialization skills and in general start the year off better.
Now you may ask, As parents how have Ken and I dealt with this? I haven't dealt with it easy. I have broke down and cried on extremely hard days. The days where I am with him all day and he has what is considered complete Autistic breakdowns. He cries all day long, nothing makes him happy. As a mother you want to console him and he won't let you. Then when he does he is laying in your arms crying because he's trying to explain to you what is wrong but then says he doesn't know what is wrong. His brain won't slow down long enough for him to know what is really making him cry. Ken has dealt with it as in he has been supportive. He has coped with it with me. Where ken works all day and if Brayden is home from school and it's just me and him (Brayden) I deal with everything by myself until Ken gets home. By then, I am on the verge of a breakdown. Ken is taking the load off of me trying to calm Brayden down. And as a father he hurts to not to be able to console his son. It's just been a difficult time for us. A trying journey as I call it.
Is Brayden being medicated? My thoughts? The first thing that I told the doctor is I understand that he needs something for the ADHD to help him focus. Help him stay on track. BUT, i'll be damned if in one day he is taking at 7 years old 15 different medications. I don't want my child a zombie. His doctor had to explain to me that BRAYDEN BRAIN is going 90 to nothing. I knew that. I also know that I don't want Brayden to turn out like his biological father. Basically meaning as a grown man his father didn't or couldn't function without some kind of medication. In all honesty he was use to the HIGH of it. He was use to feeling numb to his surroundings. However, after trial and error twice. Brayden found well we found a medication that WORKS. It helps him calm down as well as work with him to focus during school. I also don't have to give it to him on the weekends nor do I have to give it to him every day during the summer! That's a plus and helps the medication not to become addictive. Because it does have an addictive additive in it!
Anyways, if anyone has ANY questions please comment below and we will do our best to answer them. I am a busy mommy this time of year as my last blogged explained what would be going on! :)
Although this was quite a detailed blog post about Bray's unfinished diagnosis. It explains and gives and insight on him. If you would like to hear a shorter version of his unfinished diagnosis, head on over to our family you tube channel, THE EICHHORST FAMILY, and subscribe it's FREE. As well as here is the video about Brayden's unfinished diagnosis spoken in my words.
Catch Y'all later! :)
Hope You All Enjoy!
Brayden every since he was a little boy and when your in the doctor office as new born; first year of life checkup and they go over the "Autism Checklist" signs of Autism in your child. Brayden fit a lot of them to a T. His doctor always felt he was just an independent child. Few years go by and I get with Ken and we move in together. Ken has a family member that has Asperger's and I have friends that have family with the same diagnosis. I have known since he was a little baby that he was my special baby. Well eventually life catches up with you and before you know it your "itty bitty" baby is now in Pre-school. I had spoke with the teachers the findings that Ken and I felt. But in pre-school the signs are almost what you would considered hidden. Because at that age unless the child is what they have called "Full Blown" Autistic. Brayden isn't and that is where the unfinished came from. Well as a preschooler I had spoke with the speech therapist because I already knew her because of Ryleigh about some of the words he was pronouncing and how he was pronouncing them. She was able to use some of his speech sounds and get him in speech therapy in preschool which a lot of times is very rare. She too, noticed the signs of "Asperger's". But that is all that was every really spoke of it. Therefor here comes Kindergarten. The signs were there but not as prominent. There was one time that he felt out of his element and that was a day during a storm. He was so overstimulated by the thunder that he cut up his homework, wouldn't pay attention, couldn't focus, cut his crayons as well as cut his shirt. Later that night at home even cut his hair. By now you are probably thinking then why is he not diagnosed with Autism if you and the teachers have noticed it.
Well here below I'll explain this year and what pushed us to work with the teachers, therapist, as well as his doctor to get him a diagnosis.
The first quarter of first grade Brayden was a straight A distinctive student. By the first few weeks of second quarter EVERYTHING changed. Brayden begin not wanting to do his work. Not wanting any part of school, not wanting to do anything to do with school. He was what you would considered flunking the first grade because he wouldn't do his work but he knew all the answers. Finally speaking with the speech therapist who also does other therapies such as working with Autistic children, finally voiced to me something needed to be done. And basically if his doctor wasn't going to take the time out to help us help him. That as a mother I needed to find a new one. Well at this point and seeing how at the time Brayden's issue was affecting school. That's when the doctor got on board. Especially after I told him that Brayden voiced to us that it isn't that he doesn't want to do his work, but sometimes his brain won't let his fingers right. Finally on February 5th, 2016 Brayden was diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder) and PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder) Is that even Autism related? Yes it is! Well in our case it is. It's basically a way for the pediatrician to give him an Autistic diagnosis without giving it an Autistic name. Basically because in most states an Autistic child has to be diagnosis officially by psychologist that specializes with Autism. That is why his diagnosis is unfinished because we are waiting for the near by Autistic center to get him in. He is 39 on the list and the problem we have encountered is he more than likely with only one psychologist and the lengthiness of this test won't be seen before school starts back in August which is what we are aiming for. Just so he can start second grade fresh. That's where his speech therapist comes into play this summer because she is going to be helping him with his language and social aspects over the summer. Just so he can start second grade with better socialization skills and in general start the year off better.
Now you may ask, As parents how have Ken and I dealt with this? I haven't dealt with it easy. I have broke down and cried on extremely hard days. The days where I am with him all day and he has what is considered complete Autistic breakdowns. He cries all day long, nothing makes him happy. As a mother you want to console him and he won't let you. Then when he does he is laying in your arms crying because he's trying to explain to you what is wrong but then says he doesn't know what is wrong. His brain won't slow down long enough for him to know what is really making him cry. Ken has dealt with it as in he has been supportive. He has coped with it with me. Where ken works all day and if Brayden is home from school and it's just me and him (Brayden) I deal with everything by myself until Ken gets home. By then, I am on the verge of a breakdown. Ken is taking the load off of me trying to calm Brayden down. And as a father he hurts to not to be able to console his son. It's just been a difficult time for us. A trying journey as I call it.
Is Brayden being medicated? My thoughts? The first thing that I told the doctor is I understand that he needs something for the ADHD to help him focus. Help him stay on track. BUT, i'll be damned if in one day he is taking at 7 years old 15 different medications. I don't want my child a zombie. His doctor had to explain to me that BRAYDEN BRAIN is going 90 to nothing. I knew that. I also know that I don't want Brayden to turn out like his biological father. Basically meaning as a grown man his father didn't or couldn't function without some kind of medication. In all honesty he was use to the HIGH of it. He was use to feeling numb to his surroundings. However, after trial and error twice. Brayden found well we found a medication that WORKS. It helps him calm down as well as work with him to focus during school. I also don't have to give it to him on the weekends nor do I have to give it to him every day during the summer! That's a plus and helps the medication not to become addictive. Because it does have an addictive additive in it!
Anyways, if anyone has ANY questions please comment below and we will do our best to answer them. I am a busy mommy this time of year as my last blogged explained what would be going on! :)
Although this was quite a detailed blog post about Bray's unfinished diagnosis. It explains and gives and insight on him. If you would like to hear a shorter version of his unfinished diagnosis, head on over to our family you tube channel, THE EICHHORST FAMILY, and subscribe it's FREE. As well as here is the video about Brayden's unfinished diagnosis spoken in my words.
Catch Y'all later! :)
Hope You All Enjoy!
Friday, May 13, 2016
Relaxing Summer! What's that again?
Really as a stay at home parent you would assume that yes, kids are out of school no more waking up early for a few months, all day play by the pool, and play dates. Great right? Right the sleeping in part is wonderful. Pool days here are about everyday when we have a pool up. And we enjoy play dates but relaxing to us could be completely different than your relaxing. During the summer especially this summer the end of May to middle of June we are swamped with dance recital prep, dance recital, softball games and practices if they can fit them in. A just got a call today that Braydens tball starts practices Tuesday and Thursday's from 5:30-7. Then when his games starts they are Monday's and Wednesdays. Which most of Ryleigh's games well a variety of them are on Wednesdays and Thursday's. Then preparing for the first few weeks of June Ryleigh will be undergoing a tonsillectomy. June 10the she gets those bad boys out and for a few weeks following we will live a boring life. The day before and day of surgery we planned on staying with my parents because they are the closest to the hospital just to insurance a fast outlet in case we have to go back to the ER. Lord willing things will go great and by the fourth day she will be some what able to move. 😬 Also I haven't necessarily touched a lot on it but we are waiting for Brayden to be seen by an Autistic specialist to confirm the pediatricians diagnosis. However the therapist he sees during the school year also offers services at her house during the summer to children for speech and language. He also in a way to describe it to make more of an understood statement. He's considered "socially awkward", nothing is bad about this but his therapist will be working to ensure he learns the social cues he needs to, to be able to lead a life of normalcy. However what is normal actually. He may not be normal to some but to me he Brayden he is normal. He is fine. I have dealt with this hard. I will touch more on base with my next post because this one is about our somewhat not relaxing summer. But besides the tonsillectomy and therapist appointments softball and tball is our relaxation. We enjoy watching our children excell in sports and enjoy. With that being said, our kids do enjoy this. If they didn't want to play baseball or softball we won't force it. We, Ken and I, will allow our children to chose in life what they want to do. Meaning if they chose and they enjoy as well as being happy in what they have chosen. We feel as they will succeed and excell. We also feel no matter what they do in life (minus becoming a drug addict, violent person, violator, you get my drift) they will succeed. Also once softball and tball are over, comes July 4th. After that for a few weeks are relaxation at home. We don't really go anywhere or do much but house stuff playing around the house occasionally movies or going to the park. Then we start preparing for school again. Shopping for things such as new clothes and school supplies as well as general appointments eye doctors if they are due, we definitely get dentist appointments (which Rys will soon be ortho), and then just making sure everything is up to date ready for the new school year. In which the next few post coming will touch on Braydens diagnosis as well as school. What are we looking fowArd to this summer and new school year? Can anyone guess what the kids are looking fowArd to in August when school starts back? Leave a comment below and I will get back to you.
Thank you for spending the time to read our blog of occasionally chaoticness that
most of the time consume our life.
Don't forget to go to You Tube and look up <TheEichhorstFamily> as I am updating from my phone lying in bed waiting to sleep, I can't post our link to our page. However as soon as I get to the computer I will do just that.
Catch you all later..
Diedra (TheEichhorstFamilyChaos)
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Death...Does Anyone Ever Really Heal?
I felt that it was time I should update my absence from blogging. In the last few week my world has been flipped and torn upside down. Between the ending of school for the year, dance recital coming up, softball practices, and sick kids. In the last few weeks well almost a month my kids have been seen by the doctor multiple times. Ryleigh has surgery on June 10th of this year. She is having a tonsillectomy. We also have an appointment today to check to see why last week she was sick all week with a migraine. Yes, that's right a migraine. She was so sick with a migraine it was if the medicine wore off she was sick again. She is back to school this week and feeling much better but we have to see if we can get her into her neurologist to find out if the onset of all these persistent migraines is something serious or just her body changing. Then I found out yesterday that Brayden is number 39 on the autistic weight list. However, we need him seen sooner and we don't think he is going to be seen before the start of school in August. The words of the secretary at the autistic center. I'm pretty sure by now you are thinking Diedra what does this have to do with death and healing! Well....
It will be two weeks this Saturday a dear friend of mine was struck getting out of his truck on a hwy waiting for his mom to bring him gas because he ran out of gas. The impact of being struck by a vehicle killed him. For almost a week, I myself had no closure because the police report said he was out walking in the driver side. Well I knew him well enough to know that wouldn't have happened. I was right, he ran out of gas and while waiting on his mom to bring it. We guess he decided to get out and get some fresh air. In return, it cost him his life. He left behind his parents, sister, niece and nephew, as well as many loved ones and friends. But most importantly he left behind 3 kids. 3 young kids. Does anyone ever really heal from losing someone? Especially from a tragic accident? I don't think anyone ever heals. Especially those closes to the person! As well as those that hit him. I honestly feel that people just learn to live without that person but they never heal.
Well with that being said, I have doggy that is needing to go outside. I need to get things started for early supper, because shortly after the doctor we have softball practice. Therefor, I am going to try and cook before I have to get Ryleigh. If not Daddy will have to cook some spaghetti! I also really need to clean this house, Tired of looking at it but have had no motivation to do anything! :(
Keep the family I was talking about even though I didn't mention the name in your prayers. Thank You!
Please come back for more things to come.
It will be two weeks this Saturday a dear friend of mine was struck getting out of his truck on a hwy waiting for his mom to bring him gas because he ran out of gas. The impact of being struck by a vehicle killed him. For almost a week, I myself had no closure because the police report said he was out walking in the driver side. Well I knew him well enough to know that wouldn't have happened. I was right, he ran out of gas and while waiting on his mom to bring it. We guess he decided to get out and get some fresh air. In return, it cost him his life. He left behind his parents, sister, niece and nephew, as well as many loved ones and friends. But most importantly he left behind 3 kids. 3 young kids. Does anyone ever really heal from losing someone? Especially from a tragic accident? I don't think anyone ever heals. Especially those closes to the person! As well as those that hit him. I honestly feel that people just learn to live without that person but they never heal.
Well with that being said, I have doggy that is needing to go outside. I need to get things started for early supper, because shortly after the doctor we have softball practice. Therefor, I am going to try and cook before I have to get Ryleigh. If not Daddy will have to cook some spaghetti! I also really need to clean this house, Tired of looking at it but have had no motivation to do anything! :(
Keep the family I was talking about even though I didn't mention the name in your prayers. Thank You!
Please come back for more things to come.
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