The busiest week of the year for us especially with Ryleigh being in dance is the week of Memorial Day. This is because her Dance Recital is ALWAYS the weekend after Memorial Day! This year was EXTREMELY busy for us because on top of dance recital prep week and the normal Brayden having t-ball practice, we added one more game to the mix. Ryleigh started softball this year.
That Sunday before Memorial Day we had a family reunion and because of the holiday the following day; Ken went into work until 10 that night just so his check wasn't short. I have told y'all he's a hard working family providing man and he's all mine! :) That Monday was memorial day and to be honest we done absolutely nothing. Tuesday, May 31st, was Ryleigh game and Brayden practice. Reminding you that both their ball teams are in two different towns. Wednesday, Ryleigh had a softball game but missed because of conflicting picture time for dance.
Ryleigh in her ballet costume. This is Ryleigh 6th year doing dance in general but first year doing lyrical where she got to wear what dancers call "foot undies"! This was my favorite dance!
This is her jazz costume and quite my least favorite costume. It was just the material and the jumper like setup I didn't like! But this was Ryleigh's favorite of all three of them!
Ah, then we get to the "mermaid" costume. In person might now show as well here with Ryleigh standing with all her sass and all but it resembled a mermaid. Even though the dance was to "I Feel BeautifuL" and had absolutely nothing to do with mermaids. This was my favorite costume!
All these costumes of course incorporated through-out the rest of the week. However, now we move onto Thursday, June 2nd, Ryleigh had yet another Softball game. (To be honest was pretty happy that all of these games this week were early games.) On top of it being an early game though, I missed Brayden's practice. Luckily the games for both played out right. Ryleigh won't be able to play the tournament due to her surgery this coming Friday. But we promised she'd get to watch the tournament. But Brayden's games in there selves go all the way to July 1st. So I won't get to miss but maybe 2 if that! Then we move on to Friday, June 3rd, was dance rehearsal, NO GAME thank GOD! But considering the rehearsal didn't start until 6:15 p.m. us dance moms were all prepared to stay until midnight like we did the previous year. We were surprised though because I believe we were out of there before nine o'clock. Which in all honesty I was SO HAPPY because even though we were scheduled for 6:15 pm we didn't even do our first dance until almost 7:45 pm. I was happy we got out of there because I forgot to mention on Wednesday I received a text from Ryleigh's softball coach and if you are familiar with any of our vlogs over on You Tube, The Eichhorst Family. You would know for this time of year in our area we have received a lot of rain. Essentially when the field is down right muddy and slick we aren't playing mud-ball we are playing softball. Therefore, in one week all of Ryleigh's games were rescheduled. The one game that was rescheduled she had to miss because she had a migraine on top of that I had company come in from Mississippi and a house full of people. However, back to that Wednesday text, due to the rain and since having to have all games including tournaments done by June 15th because of corporate games starting. We got slammed with a double header June 4th, and we were lucky that they were early because Ryleigh's recital was that night but hers wasn't until the 6 pm recital. But the downfall was the games that played at 9:30 and 10:30 am didn't start on time due to lack of teammates, so our games started late, meaning we opted out of the second game. Which her coach came to us about because he knew Ry's recital was that night.
Recital went off without a hitch and Ryleigh done so well that after her nana (who helps pay for dance because she is such a loving Nana) and I told her she wasn't doing it anymore due to pricing and her missing a lot this year between a broke foot and throat issues. (Hence why she is having surgery this Friday!) But Nana was impressed and she does it every year says Ryleigh wasn't going to dance the following year and she continues dancing.
Does the recap of our Memorial Week wear you out because it sure did me.
As soon as this week slows down and I get a chance, probably after but could be before, I will get Ryleigh dance video up on our channel. I'll make sure to share it to the blog.
Y'all Come Back Ya Hear..
Nice having ya,
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