I am normally the type of person who usually does not get embarrassed easily. Quite frankly I can only come up with a handful of times I have ever been embarrassed. I mean you grow up with a fairly large breast size for an adolescent girl you kind of brush off embarrassment when your bra size because a topic in the middle of Wal-Mart.
But, oh there's a but. I do remember vividly the time my now 13 year old daughter at two years old embarrassed the shit out of me in the middle of JC Penny's.
Children, shall I say toddlers, have no shame, they can do anything and it be cute. Right?
So there was this time where my then 2 year old and I were standing in line at JC Penny's fixing to check out. Ryleigh at that age was at the stage of learning independence and wanted to test the waters or shall I say my patience. For the most part we were the last in line waiting to be seen, so anytime I needed to step out of my spot to grab her I got my spot back. This all happened in roughly a 15 minute time frame. The elderly couple in front of me were returning a few things and purchasing as well. The moment they were done checking out and turning around to step out of the doors, my daughter let one rip. Yes, my then two year old farted so loudly it was a mixed sound between a grown man and a grizzly bear. As I went to apologize for my daughters loud flatulence she plain as day says with pride, "Mommy, Why'd ya do that for?" The elderly couple looked at me and smiled, not sure in disgust thinking I really just let one rip or because they felt sorry for me as I muttered excuse US in pure embarrassment. That or they took a deep breath, smiled, and held their breath until they walk through the cloud of despair. The check out lady even told me it is ok we all have these types of days, where we just can't hold it in. All while my daughter went about her merry little way as if nothing just happened.
Either way to this day I have never felt as embarrassed as I did in those few last moments before checking out. I mean I was 50 shades red instead of grey.
Thank You for stopping by and reading about one of the most embarassing moments of my life.
That Occassionally Chaotic Mom,
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