Thursday, August 7, 2014

It's That Time of Year

That's right school starts back tomorrow.  To be honest, I LOVE MY kids EVERYONE does. But let me tell ya being a stay at home mom can be one of the hardest jobs ever.  If you are like me you get little help when it comes to watching them. Granted my daughter goes to my parents house a lot to just visit and play to give me a break but I always have my boy with me.  There is no denying the fact that I am literally with my kids from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed.  So this is going to be an adjustment mainly for the fact that My son will be attending ALL day long. He is only use to attending half a day.  HOWEVER, that isn't the only thing going on tomorrow. I'm going to RODEO!

Every year my best friend and I have made it a tradition. To at least attend Rodeo one of the nights. Just us, no kids, no fiances/boyfriends. JUST US. We both are stay at home mothers and ONE night a year isn't gonna hurt the men to watch their children.  With it being the week of RODEO. Guess what? that's right it's raining. It's like a mother nature tradition that it's gonna rain when Rodeo is in town.

However, this weekend is jammed packed.  The excitement of tomorrow has already been announced.  Saturday tho, I'm taking my car to get new tires and alignment, we are meeting his sister for supper, or her coming here not sure, and the most exciting is we are taking our son to go meet the NINJA turtles. Of course I'll update with pictures.  Well that is all for now, I have to let this storm go by before really getting laundry going, but of course I'm going to get the kitchen and living room cleaned up! :)

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