Thursday, August 21, 2014

Raising Boys Is A Breeze They Say

That's right, I'm quoting just about every mother who has ever raised a boy. 

I can't necessarily complain and say boys are extremely difficult to raise because they aren't. In my case give them little super Hero, cartoons, apple juice, and chicken nuggets and he's happy. 

But who am I kidding everyone has happy days but everyone has bad days. The other day for my sweet, sneaky, bundle of all boy Brayden was a bad day. 

He has started Kindergarten and so far the first two weeks have been great compared to the first two weeks of Pre-K . But the human in us we all have bad days. Well Tuesday this past week was his bad day. He wasn't necessarily bad at school but he didn't want to pay attention. He didn't want to do what he was told.  But for some reason cutting with scissors fascinated him that day. Let's be clear scissors are for paper. As well as hair by a professional and by some one I'm sure that does clothes. But not a five year old little boy having a bad day.  

1. He got his recess taken away. Because of not minding. 
2. He got his school box taken away because the pesky little scissors were so tempting that instead of just cutting paper he cuts his shirt. 
3. At home he was grounded from his tablet and swimming. The two things he had his hopes up for.  
4. Later that night while tucking him away in bed. I noticed an awful lot of hair. Checked his hair didn't seem to be missing. Wait for it.... That's right this momma doesn't raise no dummy. He lifts the top layer of hair and cuts a half dolor size chunk out of his hair.  

Was I mad, no. Why be mad every kid does it. He's 5. Yes he did get the talk of what scissors are for. 

Raisin boys they say was a breeze. I don't doubt it to be a breeze but I do anticipate the challenges ahead. 

First attempt of showing his bawled spot. 

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