Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Easter Sunday March 27 2016

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Spring Bonfire 2016

Head on over to our You Tube Channel The Eichhorst Family and watch our video on Spring Bonfire! :)

Friday, March 25, 2016

Bonfire Ready...

I know your probably thinking it is no where near bonfire time. Well in my neck of the woods it is, we are in spring time but we still have some pretty chilly nights.  Some friends came up from Mississippi. We had a big brush pile from gathering limbs from storm torn trees as well as trees the guys just cut down. We just enjoyed the night. Had a beer, listen music until Kens truck died. Thankfully my car was able to jump it off.

Although the that sounds like a ton of fun this morning didn't start out that way. Ryleigh woke me up at 8:30 and said she was sick to her stomach and was having sour burps. Yep, sure enough those sour burps turned into hugging a trash can.  She began to feel better and as the night progressed and time went on, phenergan wore off, she started feeling nauseated again. I am hoping that before it's over with she can just get a goodnight sleep. 

That's all for now. Come back in a few days and check out how Easter went. :) 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Do They Believe

If you have watched my "Easter Basket 2016" VLOG then you heard me say.....(if you have a child who still believes in the Easter Bunny that can read, either come back later or just move a way you don't have wandering eyes over your shoulder!).....waiting.....

Ah ok by now you have gotten situated. But you heard me say my daughter no longer believes.  I knew this day was coming, I knew she would be at the age where she questions things, and she picks up on things. This momma doesn't raise any dummy's.  She finally confessed that she knew the tooth fairy and the Easter well as the elves were fake. That it was mommy and daddy. 

You may have noticed there is one big oh jolly dude I didn't mentioned that's because she still believes in Santa clause.  I will not take that from her. Like I have explained to her if in your heart you still believe he is real then he is real. 

The Easter Bunny, Toothfairy, The elves, and Santa Claus was all I had left of my little girl still being little and not a growing up, preteen full of attitude big girl. 

Now I am sure your asking yourself what about Brayden does he believe. YES, he does still believe and we have made an agreement with Ryleigh that if she ruined it for her brother that mommy will ruin it for her. (I know such a mean mommy) 

But leave me some comments below about your children do they still believe or has the topic come up yet? How did you handle it? 

Don't forget to go check out , The Eichhorst Family, on You tube. Hit the subscribe button and enjoy our crazily chaotic lives. It's all fun times. 

Easter Baskets 2016

I had a hunch to go ahead and get the Easter baskets ready. So I did, mainly because if you live in a small farm area. I sure you have heard of field mice. Well we get them during the spring time because well we live in between two fields.  However, I have gotten them together and put away from the children as well as the field mice. UGH hate them little things!

Just going to leave a picture of the baskets and a link to our you tube channel with the video on what's in them.

Easter Baskets 2016

The Eichhorst Family Vlogs  <--go visit our family vlogs. Right now not on a uploading schedule upload when we can and have the content but for 8 hours I am home alone.  

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Easter Traditions

It's hard to believe we are almost to Easter time this year. Do you have traditions with your family that you do every year? Traditions you'd like to start doing?

Our family is probably like a lot of families. We usually go to church with my mom on Easter Sunday, that is after waking up and seeing what the Easter bunny left them.  Don't worry, I have always taught my children the true meaning of Easter. But it's also fun to see them believe in the Easter Bunny. I mean my oldest finally told me about three weeks ago that she knows the Easter Bunny, The Elves, and Toothfairy aren't real. But she believes in Santa. I am glad she does. Because my oldest is 10 years old and well that's something as a child she is holding onto. I have come to terms with the fact that my kids will not always be little. But until they come to me and tell me they no longer believe such as my daughter then they will still get to participate in the easter bunny! Don't worry though her brother doesn't know the truth yet therefor, we agreed with her as long as she keeps her big mouth shut lol then we would let her get something from the "Easter Bunny" as well. We also participate in a lot of Easter Egg hunts. Well let me rephrase that not a lot because we've only been to a few and a few of them we have hosted! :)

Are you ready to start traditions with your children? Or have you already!

Leave in the comments below what you do with your family!


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

What I Didn't Want....

We have tried to conceive a baby for almost three years. Something isn't working right and I feel that it's me. I had a lot of complications after my son was born due to Mirena Birthday Control.  I had the birth control in for exactly 8 weeks. The doctor removed it due to I was having a horrible hormonal imbalance! I was just completely not myself. My doctor at the time didn't bother to tell me one of the side effects to this medicine was infertility.  Well Ken wants a baby of his own so badly and I feel as a girlfriend I fail him because I haven't given him what he wants. He says he doesn't care because he has two kids such as my kids that he feel are his kids. But It bothers me to want something so badly and can't have it. It's sad that my children have two dead beats as father and supported by their daddy ken who just wants a baby of his own. I could have kids with deadbeats why can't I have one with Ken.

I guess by reading this from the last blog you know that Aunt Flo decided to visit!

That's really all I have to say on this post because well it is saddening to know my body isn't doing what it was made to do! :(

Sincerely  Sadden Today

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Eichhorst Family Weekend Update

Friday March 11th:  Not really much went on Friday. The kids did have school and then the usual as every other day. After 3pm, kids are home and then the weekend starts.  However,  facebook scrolling got me a good deal.  Let me rewind so you will understand what happened. My lovely man doesn't listen to me. How many woman out there have mean that don't listen? Well, I told Ken this fall when we decided to drain the pool due to the water changing colors again and it to late in the year to refill it. Well needless to say he didn't listen. Well this past February. Instead of snow this year we have had a few snow days a lot of rain days and windy days. Well on one of those stormy windy days. The wind picked up enough and threw the swimming pool upward and the deck pole busted through the bottom of the pool.  Well, swimming is something in this area with children my age you really can do on a hot day.  So we have talked about Lord what are we gonna do to be able to get the children a pool. Well needless to say a lady on Facebook that actually use to be my children Parents As Teacher (Teacher) had her pool up for FREE. That right we got a four and half foot deep pool by 42 across for FREE. On top of that it is a medal pool. So That's what ended our exciting night.

Saturday March 12th:   That morning we woke up and I showed Ken and my neighbor mark where the house was to be able to start the process of taking the pool down.  Then the exciting part was I went and signed Ryleigh up for softball and I some how got talked into being a coach or assistant coach. HAHA, I miss playing softball.  That should be enjoyable. Keep a watch out for The Eichhorst Family You Tube Channel for hilarious videos.

Sunday March 13th: This day started out like any other Sunday besides loosing and hour of sleep. I mean an hour of sleep. Ryleigh had a birthday party for a friend. So we got ready and headed to the party. In which I ended up booking Brayden's birthday party. Yes, we know that his birthday is in February. But we have had so much going on and waiting to see what the weather was going to do that's exactly why we have waited. However, he went from wanting a Sonic Party to a Pokemon party! Good thing I have way over a month to plan for it!

That's the Recap of  theEichhorstFamily Weekend.

How was you guys' weekend!?


Trying To Conceive

I still haven't figured out what is going on with my internal body, however, it could be a multiple things.  However, my period is usually right with in the longest cycle of the month. Which if you are a woman you know that it can range anywhere between 28-32 days. Well, it came last month on the 10th, and now this month the 10th has come and gone. But the weird part I am 4 days late from my period not starting, but only 2 days past cycle day, which I am on my 34th day.  But the go getter is I have take pregnancy test and they are negative. Such as I have taken a clear blue early detection test.  That one said NOT pregnant! I am like geez, Just show pregnant! Yes, that's right pregnant! Ken and I are trying to have a baby. So things like this give us false hope. It saddens us because we get so excited that I haven't started and then my period either comes or everything still says negative!

However, that's seriously what's going on with my body.

I just wish my body would decided if at 30 it is capable of having a baby or at least conceiving! I miss being pregnant! I miss having a baby around. That doesn't mean I love my children any less!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Runaway Toddler!

Yesterday, was that type of day. Chasing a one and half year old all around the house while doing laundry, cleaning the kitchen, and other daily chores. Who am I kidding he wasn't that bad.  He actually didn't feel all that great that morning.  However, by that afternoon he was feeling his old self again. Ken came home from work early yesterday and then with the gorgeous weather we decided to walk to get the kids.  But once it was time for everyone to leave after school. The kids friends that is and Iain. We just finished out our day doing homework and getting things ready for today.  Today hasn't been the best day tho. Our doggy has gotten sick once today. He keeps needing to go to the bathroom and I will take him out there and he just wants to sniff around.  Like right now he gets up walks to the door and looks like me like I am stupid because he's like come on old lady I need to go potty. However, he came and now sitting at my feet. :)

However, it's that time to jump off here do some mommy duties and head to get my babies from school!


Go check out yesterday's video and today's video!

Once you view this video, to check out yesterdays video. Just go browse The Eichhorst Family you tube channel.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

A Moment That Can Change Everything

That moment that can absolutely change everything.  Saturday March 5th, 2016, my friend (whom is like a little sister to me) Julie & her friend Jessica (Who I have adopted as one of my little sisters as well) came up to our house for a surprise visit EARLY Saturday morning. In what I thought was a joke about me making a chocolate lush turned out to be them not joking when I woke up and they were in my living room. Well they didn't stay very long at all. They left before noon. We kept trying to get Julie to stay and we'd take her home. Jessica could stay as well but she had to work that night. However, luckily Julie's guy friend she is talking to was here and was going to follow them to go eat at a restaurant that was on their way home which we living in Southeastern Missouri and they live in northern Mississippi.
Exactly less than about 15 minutes went by after they left my house as well as a possible mile from my house Julie and Jessica were involved in a serious accident.  Jessica isn't from here and thought the oncoming traffic was going to stop. Luckily the man who hit them seen what was fixing to happen and all though he couldn't avoid hitting them he done his best at slowing down as much as he could as well as he swerved enough to hit the front end driver side bumper and wheel. Because he knew if he hit Jessica driver side door at the speed he slowed down to with his big ol SUV that the wreck would have been a lot worse.  I thank GOD above and the stranger who didn't know them do everything he could do to prevent this wreck being worse than it was.   We spent pretty much all afternoon in the ER with Jessica and Julie.  Julie has a lot of bruising. Jessica got the worse she broke her clavicle bone. Saphira Julie's puppy who just got out of doggy hospital from having her toes amputated was flown out of of the window. However, she survived it! :) Thank God for all the prayers from people and those checking in on Julie. Because one MOMENT can change everything. 

Be positive and stay blessed! :)