Friday, January 18, 2019

Being Positive In A Negative Atmosphere

No matter your new years plans, resolutions, goals, or even just things you strive to do better in as a spouse, parents, or a sibling. 

LETS FACE IT, all them things are great but you need to make sure to remind yourself that we all have bad days, sometimes bad weeks, and even sometimes it seems a bad month or year.

Yesterday, January 17th was a very trying, negative, and very lets be honest pissy day.  Day started normal as usual but some mornings with my so very loving and handsome son are extremely hard. I have spoke on him being Autistic and ADHD.  So, when he gets his mind on something particular such as yesterday morning a cartoon that he wanted to watch. His focus on getting ready or taking his medicine was out the window.  Once the TV was turned off, all hell broke loose. It was like a scene from Jurassic Park. Yes, alot of it was he wasn't getting his way, therefor he was getting in trouble. (Yes, I still discipline my child no matter what his diagnosis is.)  We don't live far from the school so we don't normally leave until about 15 to 10 mins before school starts.  Not only was my morning started out with piss poor rage.  That's when some of the positive thoughts started playing a role in the day, even though its a very negative situation.  I knew that my car was really low on gas, I knew I had enough to get him to school and run to the gas station. Well, my car has an oil leak that we just really haven't had the money to get fixed just yet, mainly because well it's the air flow sensor that's cracked I think that's leaking the oil. Or at least thats what we have been told. But to fix that on our car, the engine has to be completely moved. We have a friend that is going to fix it for 300 dollars, thats 800 dollars cheaper than putting it in the shop. Well, our friend had to have surgery is out of commission for a few months.  Now, back to yesterday, leaving my driveway and getting on the road to the school, my gas light started dinging and my car more less came to a complete stop. However, where we live on our block has another opening that goes down a hill. I was able to get down that hill and pick up enough speed to make it to my driveway. I seriously thought we were completley out of gas. I called Ken, he told me when he went on break in 20 minutes hed run home and get gas. Well, I noticed when I got to my driveway, my car alone never shut off, steering wheel never locked up like it does when it shuts off. It was because the car didn't have enough time to warm up before I took off out of the driveway in a raging fit. You are probably thinking by now, what is positive about your care breaking down. Well, Brayden and I had 30 minutes to sit in peace and quite and reflect on how the morning was. By time Ken got home to run him to school real fast, he got up and wouldn't leave until he hugged and kissed me goodbye.  But before the mishap with my car, my 9 year old couldn't stand me and told me he rather daddy pick him up from school because he was angry with me. 

There is always something to be positive about and look forward too. Although I will say my day in general was just a very crappy day due to the weather.  In all that it made me realize no matter what as a human I strive for this new year, that I need to remind myself I will have bad days, at times feel like a failure, but to remember there is always something positive. That sometimes God, stops us in our tracks to reflect and remember that he's still in control. 

Hope you are able to take something in your life that is negatively impacting you and find the positive. 

The Occasionally Chaotic Mom, 


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