Saturday, January 12, 2019

Lets Talk Opinions

In this day in time it seems people have become so uptight when it comes to opinions.  People are experiencing fear among their own thoughts and beliefs. This world is so full of hatred that we can't even share our own opinions on our own beliefs without being fearful of being ridiculed.

Well we all have our own opinions and we shouldn't fear sharing them.

I have many topics I can't wait to share with you all but first I want to bring forth my opinion on the partial government shutdown.

I totally agree with "building" a wall to stop more illegal immigrants coming into American. I, however, dont agree with the government shutdown. Here is why, and totally my own outlook an opinion on it. Yes, I do know people who agree with me.

There are many Americans who work these government jobs that arent getting paid to do so.

Cutting off funding for food stamps and WIC is absurd.  No, I am not oblivously naive to the fact people do abuse the systems. But not everyone does. There are genuine people who work and bust there asses that need the extra help. There are elderly people who busted their asses working to now need extra help just to get by.  WIC help feed babies. Do I feel babies will starve, no but before its all said and done if the shutdown last it will hurt everyone economically. 

I also feel if the "illegal immigrants" are already in the states by work visa most likely, they have maintain that visa and are still doing things the right way, and/or have made a family here, should not be deported. That they should be given a legitimate chance to obtain citizen ship. 

Again even thought I dont agree with how things are being down doesnt mean I hate our president.  I do NOT agree with some things that are being said about him, toward him, or Even his family. No matter the hatred or disagreement you have against anyone, should not make you a cyber bully. Because that is what it is, cyber bullying.

Again my own opinions.

I plan on hoping way sooner than later making a post solely on food stamps. Because although government assitance comes in all kinds a ways. The food stamp topic in itself is the worse. Before endimg this to begin that post I will say that in the last few years I have never seen so many people come out of the woodwork (internet hiding, keyboard warriors, as Ive seen since the day Trump was elected president. As well as in the last week alone I have never seen so many judgemental people as I have in literally the last six days.

Again these are my opinions. .
Love you all


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