Friday, January 25, 2019

Don't Lose Sight Of What Matters Most

Scrolling through Facebook like I do every night before heading to bed. I come across a short cartoon "film" playing along with Ed Sherrans song, Perfect.  Which has not been the first one I've seen played to this song. Matter of fact the first one brought me to tears because the messaged I received was that you only get one mom and one dad, so to speak. I do understand some get bonus parents but its story was s child sent their mom a robot because they couldn't make it in. When the robot died, all they needed was batteries. At the end of that one the mother died and the robot tried to "change" her batteries but it doesn't work that way. One we die we are home to make the best of life.  Anyways, tonight was about to young kids starting out with small beverage stands. They compete so hard against each other for years with bigger and better stands. Before the end they lose sight to the true meaning of why they started the stands in the first place. Once they quit competing and working against each other and started working together they realized their together small little fruits and veggies stand was really what mattered the most.

It was a short cute film that even  when feeling down and out because you dont have what someone else has that it doesnt make you less of a person. To remember having the better and bigger things in life doesnt define your happiness.

I also feel this short film showed me to always stay humble and not let trying to be better than the next person cause you to lose sight of what matters most.

The Occasionally Chaotic Mom,


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