Tuesday, November 22, 2016

He Got In Trouble For Exactly What?

The following  is a Facebook post that I made on September 8th, 2016...

 "After running errands today, I got home to realize Braydens folder was left on the table.  On his calender where we have to initial every night there was a very vague script in the previous days box stating, "missed recess for working ahead". Most of the time I'd have no problem with my child missing recess for something he's done wrong. I am all for you get in trouble, you do your punishment. But what I don't understand is Brayden still got in trouble and missed his recess for working ahead. Meaning they were doing a group worksheet. I may be wrong and forgive me if I am but I thought our children are being taught to be independent and work things out on their own. Anyone knows Brayden knows he's has to be moving or doing something. He is my busy body. Even with his AdHD medicine, he gets bored easily. Even some of their second grade work bores him. I feel he worked ahead because one he already knew the answers on top of it gave him something to do. I mean hell hes damned if he doesn't do it and damned if does!"
Yes, you read that right my child was punished for doing his work ahead. If you are a parent that cares about what goes on at school with your child you would have been heated as well with such a vague script of writing.  I would have understood more if the teacher wrote me a small note stating that she was teaching and kept telling him to pay attention but nothing of that was explained.
Well, Bray's weekly therapist is also his IEP therapist at school. When I got to her house a few days later to drop Brayden off for his weekly session she knew before I had even talked to someone at school about it. She said it was already handled.  Well about a week later the principle caught me there while picking up the kids for 8th hour, that she spoke with his teacher. What happened was they were in group. The leader of the group decided to tell everyone to work ahead. Brayden was following the leaders rules therefor, he worked ahead. The principle explained to the teacher not to punish him for working ahead because last we struggled to even get him to do any of his work.  Therefor, he isn't to be punished if he works ahead as long as he got it right. Basically if he worked ahead and he got them wrong then its the teachers discretion if he gets to do it over.

Before anyone says it, NO Brayden doesn't get special treatment because he has ADHD and a form of Autism. We are just scared that if he starts getting in trouble for doing his work even if it is ahead of the class. That he won't do his work at all. Because in first grade before getting his diagnosis we struggled at school and at home to get him to do anything.

Leave a comment below if you feel that any child should be punished for working ahead.

Love Always,

And Please come back,

Monday, November 21, 2016

Are They Here Yet?

It's that time of year again that we will be welcoming our elves, Anna and Harper! Last year we had them out way before Thanksgiving. However, this year we are waiting because I ordered a new Camo one to enter our home with Anna and Harper. Mainly because my kids love all the things to do with the elves.  All the fun things they do.


However, this year will be a little different. Ryleigh came to my mom around Easter of this year and told us that she knew the truth. That she knew the Easter bunny was us, that she knew the toothfairy was me, that she knew that Dad or I were the ones to move the elves. :( I know it's sad knowing that she isn't little anymore and that she is growing up. She says that she caught on when one night she lost a tooth and if you know my kids they lose teeth when I have no cash on me and can't get to an ATM until the next day. She said she caught on when the night she lost her tooth, I fell asleep in bed with her and I actually forgot to get back up to go get the money out of the bank. But honestly I think my mom told her. Because last year around Christmas my mom said something in front of Ryleigh. My mom thought Ryleigh knew about them all. So after seeing Ryleighs fearful look on her face and look of I am going to smack some sense into ( NOT REALLY ITS MY MOM) instead of shutting up she keeps talking. I finally was like SHUT UP SANTA is real. However, after we got that straightened out it was that spring that she spent the day with my mom getting Easter stuff ready and well when I went to pick Ryleigh up my mom looked at her and said isn't there something you wanna tell your momma.

She said well, mom, I am not stupid and I know the easter bunny, toothfairy and elves are fake. So I think my mother told her. Which is wrong yes, I know.

Did you noticed there is one she didn't mention? That's right my baby still magically believes in Santa. So she says, she told Micki that she didn't believe anymore but when I ask her she says well yeah I still believe in Santa.  Although I do believe when shes in front of her friends that don't believe in any of them that she may say OH  NO I don't believe to look cool.

Anyways, that is what is up with the elves. As soon as they make their grand entrance and welcome Landing. I will most definitely take pictures for you!

Love Always,
Happy Upcoming Holidays, Thanksgiving is in 5 more days!


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thanksgiving Prep/ Black Friday Thoughts

Our family for Thanksgiving doesn't have huge family dinners. I mean we don't have a huge family on either one of my parents side but we have a decent size but we just have never gotten together for Thanksgiving. This will be the first year in Ken and I's five year relationship that we are going to visit his family around Thanksgiving.  It will be sometime in or around that week. But then again due to finances we may not be able to. We are hoping that Micki can pull it off with her work and parents to use her car.  Which by the way is her parents car. But then again they may Ok it but her work might not let her switch a day.  My family (My Parents, Sister, Her Boyfriend, Ken and I, and Our Kids) we really just meet over at the parents house and eat. Just depends really, I love Thanksgiving and the Family time we share together. But sometimes it's just another day because during the summers before at least every other weekend/Sunday we'd meet for Family dinner.  My mom mainly but I am sure my dad and maybe my sister is going to watch the kids for us around about 4.


If you guessed, Black Friday (Thursday) you are absolutely right! This set of parents are going at 4 p.m on Turkey Day because that is when a lot of sales are starting. One sale in particular is they are suppose to. Hoping they do get them and the factory can supply them with Hatchimals. I am hoping more than just 10 and if that is all they will have then make it a guarantee item or something. I am not sure what your children have asked for but Brayden has asked OVER and OVER for one of those egg thingies. The hard part is EVERYWHERE even in other states have been completely SOLD OUT! I mean COMPLETELY none in sight. A man over at Kentucky told me it was they are high demand and the company isn't producing enough to withhold the demand of them. That and the saddest part of it all is when they do get them in and even the guy at the Toys-R-Us in Kentucky told us that the minute that they stock them on the shelf the person there to get them grabs them and RUNS and buys them all. They then go keep the one they need or two and sale the rest on Amazon, Ebay, or Facebook at a ridiculous price. These things at most retail stores are 45-50 dollars. I have seen people mark them up to 300 dollars. That is one Price Gouging and you can get in trouble for it but not sure unless you are a company doing it. Most Importantly they are Greedy! Jesus don't like Greedy People.  Done with the hatchimal rant.

Before going I will say my thoughts on company's and retailers being open on Thanksgiving and doing Black Friday.  For one yes Thanksgiving is an important holiday. Two, most of the retailers such as Walmart have a lot of their younger employees working, who want to work to get the triple overtime or holiday pay or sometimes both. Makes for an awesome paycheck. Now my sisters boyfriend is older well not anciently older but older. He's worked for Walmart for many years as a parttime/almost fulltime second job. As for him working, I feel that he may not chose to work but he's experienced for the Chaos.  I do feel that if the employees that have been there for years should have first dibs on if they want to work as well as if they work this year, then the following year they are off. Again, I don't get all riled up over people working Thanksgiving. I understand both insights on it as well. The one holiday though I do have strong opinions about working is Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. That in itself is a huge rant, don't have a lot of time to rant tonight about that.

Anyways, guys stay tuned for Christmas Planner, Christmas Prep, & Anna and Harper arrive yet?

Love Always,

Remember we do have a VLOGGING Channel. I haven't gotten to post lately due to my Movie Maker that was on my computer NO LONGER WORKS why, we haven't figured it out. I am possibly going to reset my computer after I save everything to a dropbox or external HardDrive

Go find us, TheEichhorstFamily

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Pre-Teen Already?!

Yes, I have a pre-teen on my hands. I know I am way behind with updating you guys on Ryleigh, with everything going on with Brayden. Thought I'd give ya'll a good update on my pre-teenager daughter. 

October 10th of this year my babygirl turned 11. ELEVEN, what in the world? I feel like it was just yesterday she was starting the kindergarten, hell even third grade. But no my baby is in the fifth grade.  I mean its kind of surreal how next year my daughter will be one year away from being thirteen years old. But she starts middle school next year. WHAT?   

We have got to start planning better, because we didn't get to throw her a party due to some unseen BULLSHIT (sorry for the language) with our electric company. Anyways, every year as far as I can remember, she has always been out of school either due to the weekend or the schools Fall break.  That doesn't stop these parents from surprising their baby girl. Usually the Thursday before they get out for Fall Break, I run to town go by dollar tree and grab two or three balloons, gather a basket of goodies, and WALLAH you have you a group of birthday balloons.  As well as we order her whole class cupcakes. Needless to say the cupcakes this year is the last year because next year they switch classes.  AHHHHH. 

However, for fifth grade graduation they do put together a dance. UGH, not sure I am looking forward to all this.  Guess, I will have to be huh? 

Anyways, theres a mini update on Ryleigh.

Hope To Hear From You All Soon, 


Monday, November 14, 2016

November Thankfuls

The month of November is home to the Turkey Day Holiday, known as Thanksgiving.   During this month its extremely popular for everyone or most people on Facebook to be thankful for things.  I started it, but I have been keeping One Sentence to One Word Thankfuls in my planner that I wanted to share with you guys.

November 1st: I am thankful for having a small extra income a month. Every little bit helps now a days. Especially when the family is mainly one income family.
November 2nd: This day I was thankful for flu medicine as Brayden was in The ER and was diagnosed with the flu on October 30. Yes, the night before Halloween. But that was ok, he is going through this phase I am hoping is a face that he despises Halloween. It's to scary to him. That and he heard all about the rumors of Killer Clowns.
November 3rd: Thankful for LOVE. Yes, because if it is honestly True Love, it can conquer all. Even those arguments and hurtful words you don't think you will get over. Because of love you get over them.
November 4th: Today was my best friends 30th birthday and very thankful for her I am. Thankful to have a friend like Whitney who no matter what has been my best friend through thick and thin.
November 5th: Today marked five years Ken and I have shared our lives together and how thankful I am for our love and him. Wanna know what we did for our half a decade anniversary. Head on over here.
November 6th: Thankful for my sister. She's been my rock through so many things. She's my big sister and she's protective of her little sister.
November 7th: Thankful for Brayden's Autistic Center Appointment today.  I am more than thankful for this because we have been on the waiting list since last July of 2015.
November 8th: Thankful Hillary didn't win. Not saying I am to happy with Trump becoming the president but no matter what intentions Hilary meant by her all for late term abortions up to 36 weeks gestations. I'm sorry that is just absurd to me. Abortion is a whole other topic than to be put on my thankfuls. Just know that I don't believe in it whether it be new or late term. (My Opinion Coming Soon, Yes, I just got myself heated!) LOL
November 9th: Thankful for the alone time I got to spend with my momma today. We went to Michaels. Trust me when I say this, I use to hate going shopping at Hobby Lobby and Michaels with my momma. Well in general. However, now I have gotten into planning I love those two stores and the sales they have.
November 10th: Thankful for Brayden's speech therapist.
November 11th: Thankful for all these veterans that laid their life on the line whether they had a family or not, had kids back at home, to save my life. Happy Veterans Day. Thank you to the women and men that have fought for our country.
November 12th: Thankful for my new Blue Flannel Sheets, especially on an extremely cold nights, when its only half way through November and we have already seen freezing temps, but trying to wait to turn the heat on
November 13th:Always thankful for FOOD to feed my family. Thankful, to be able to go grocery shopping for my family whenever we need food. I told ya I had a wonderful man that supplies not only our needs but our wants.
November 14th: Thankful for my other best friend Michaela. We have been through hell and back in our Friendship. This last go around we had to learn to agree to disagree.  She has blessed me with a wonderful nephew, name Iain Brodie.
November 15th: Thankful for another best friend that we have been through hell and back through our relationship. I know, no matter what petty arguments we get in as friends we can make it through them. I would also like to thank Erica for the good times and bad times, because without the bad to teach us lessons on who will be there and who won't.  For blessing me with two nieces and a nephew. Also Wish Her Happy Birthday today.
November 16th: thankful for my sister.
November 17th: thankful for my niece and nephew . 
November 18th: Thankful for my life. 
November 19th: Thankful for my parents. Happy Anniversary to them. 
November 20th: Thankful for Iain. 
November 21st: Thankful for Mark D. He is truely a great friend.  
November 22nd: For my in laws. 
November 23rd: Thankful for Braydens therapist . 
November 24th: Thankful to still have yet another Thanksgiving with my family. 
November 25th: Thankful for Mickis parents for allowing us to use their vehicle.
November 26th: Thankful to have been gicen the opportunity to get a matching tattoo with Ken. 
November 27th: Thankful for meeting Kens best friend. 
November 28th: Thankful for my children's school. 
November 29th: Thankful for my happiness. 
November 30th:  Thankful to have transportation . 

I am grateful and thankful for all of this daily not just in November.  

Thankful for those who stop by to read my post. 

Love always,

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Pervasive Developmental Disorder

According to an article on WebMD website, Pervasive Developmental Disorders also known as PDDs, is referring to a group of conditions that involve delays in the development of many basic skills. Most notable among them are the ability to socialize with others, to communicate, and to use imagination. Children with these conditions often are confused in their thinking and generally have problems understanding the world around them. You can find the article here.

According to Brayden's therapist that helps him, PDDs is what they call an umbrella diagnosis.  Because under PDD falls the following categories; Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, Childhood disintegrative disorder, Rett Syndrome, and Pervasive development disorder, not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS).  Which if I am remembering correctly the PDD-NOS is what Brayden's pediatrician diagnosed him with because if you go back to the article on WebMD and read the description for Asperger's, Brayden falls under that category. However, things in the Autisic Spectrum have changed tremendously over the years and according to the Autism Center Therapist we seen on November 7th, there are no longer any subcategories. Which to me is confusing because the whole point we wanted him diagnosed through the Autism center was we were under the impression they would be able to clarify exactly where he fell on the spectrum. I mean to his school therapist (which is also his weekly visit therapist) and his pediatrician they have both stated in all the years of doing therapy and being doctor that Brayden has Asperger's.  That in a sense makes me happy because that is as parents what we want.  We wanted to know exactly where on the spectrum he fell, therefor we could get him the adequate therapy he needed. I mean honestly know he is getting adequate therapy. I will explain furthermore in another post about what therapy he is in.

Since Brayden now is seeing two therapist and possibly a counselor soon (still not sure why on that one because his behavior in a sense is normal to us. No bad behavior really) but I will call the first therapist, school therapist, and the new one Autistic Therapist.  You may question why I don't just say there names but then again if you put your brain to use you'd know I am trying to save the privacy of my children.

Questions from the Autistic therapist,  What made us decide to have him seen at the Autism Center? She then stated was it because his school therapist, school officials, and pediatrician told you too and you just went with it.

The answer to that is yes and no, Yes because treating the type of Autism Brayden has or has been stated that he has if treated early on in life. He can function as a normal child, teenager, and man with guidance. I hate using the word normal but the way I explained it to Ken when we were riding around for our five year anniversary. That from an early age as parents and when he came into the picture we knew there was something there. We knew there was some type of "illness is what its refer too". Therefor like school therapist stated hes young enough that he's like putty. He can absorb and be molded.

The No part of that answer is because when Brayden was a baby infant size, our pediatrician and their pediatrics office have always went over the "Autism Checklist", if I can find similar questions that I was asked I will give y'all examples. However, almost all the questions except maybe 2 Brayden fit. I was always told by his peds doctor that he was just a self dependent baby.  Then when I go with Ken over five years ago now.  Shortly after being together he mentioned to me about Brayden doing things just like a family member of his. Then  six months into our relationship we moved in together and he voiced his opinion again. I kept going back to what the pediatrician stated about his independence. Then when I worked in home health I believe by the grace of God to show me the light of things, I was placed with an Autistic Girl. The more time I spent with her the more I began thinking back to Brayden's infancy to at that point now.  That was also the year he was in Pre-K and the teacher noticed it even after you know we spoke our concerns with her about Brayden because we knew if anything would alter his capability to learning we wanted o get him help. Kindergarten was good. Then we made it to first grade. That's when things began to change.  Click here to go to the post about Brayden's Unfinished Diagnosis, it goes into more depth.  

Below are some signs of Pervasive Developmental Disordered that I found on WebMD. Here is where you can find them on WebMD.
  1. Difficulty with verbal communication, including problems using and understanding language
  2. Difficulty with non-verbal communication, such as gestures and facial expressions
  3. Difficulty with social interaction, including relating to people and to his or her surroundings
  4. Unusual ways of playing with toys and other objects
  5. Difficulty adjusting to changes in routine or familiar surroundings
  6. Repetitive body movements or patterns of behavior, such as hand flapping, spinning, and head banging
  7. Changing response to sound; the child may be very sensitive to some noises and seem to not hear others.
  8. Temper tantrums
  9. Difficulty sleeping
  10. Aggressive behavior
  11. Fearfulness or anxiety

These are signs of someone who may be experiencing Pervasive Developmental Disorder. 
Again, if you like to read the whole article on WebMd, please go to this page.

Another good website to go to learn more about autism, is www.autismspeaks.org

Also when explain above about Brayden's pediatrician diagnosing him with PDD-NOS, here is a good article about that as well.  

Thank You so much for your interest about Autism and PDD. 
I am a beginner in all of this and learning new things as we go along. If you have any advice or just words of wisdom. Please comment below. Or you may email me at eichhorstdiedra@gmail.com

Sincerely Grateful, 


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Say What?!!! Half a Decade?

That is absolutely right that I have spent half a decade with Ken.

Now let me start off by stating we are by far a perfect couple but in my eyes, we are perfect for one another. We do unto each other as we see what's best for our relationship!

So what did we do for our 5 year anniversary you may be wandering?

Well, I guess we are getting on up in the years and we put our kids needs first.  At the kids school on November 5th, *Which by the way November 5th is our anniversary* they hosted a fall festival.

During the fall festival they were hosting hayrides (in this case, it was a man driving a truck, pulling an old cut down tractor trailer, with hay bails as seats. ) either or they had a blast as you can see from the following pictures of the kids on the hayride.

  For the life of me, I could never get a picture of Ryleigh smiling or even looking my way. As you can see though Iain was having a blast.

Even though it was our anniversary, we are parents and our kids had events and we had things planned that just so happen landed on our anniversary.  Such as my friend Liz's little boy whom turned 12 last week. Birthday was also the afternoon of our Anniversary.  It was at a gaming place and the funny part is I think my big kid (Ken) and my Brother Mark had more fun than our two kids. Joking, we all had a blast and are thankful for the invite. 

See the picture below was kudos to liz for capturing a very awesomely great picture of Ken and I. It was a very unexpected picture. We had just walked in and I was getting her son's card out of my purse to hand to her and she stood back and said smile guys. Needless to say it is one of my favorite pictures of Ken and I.

After the party, Our friends Micki and Mark (the one I call my brother and my neighbor) was in Mickis car and they took our kids home and Ken and I went and seen a movie.

We seen Madea: Boo (Hallerween) movie. At first Ken was like um no, don't want to see another Madea Movie.  Well, since he loves me and was trying to show me a good time. We went and seen the Madea Movie. One: It was hilarious but aren't all of madeas movies and 2: Ken Loved it.

After that we went out and about looking around at local shops and stores for Christmas gifts. As well as before heading home we just road around in the country (gravel dirt roads). Get your mind out of the gutter guys. We seriously just had a great time talking without interuptions. But our babysitter had to be at work the next day. she told us not to worry about coming home until midnight. Mark told us to enjoy our time because we VERY RARELY ever do anything without our kids. But about 9:30 we were tired or wasting gas and we missed our babies.

That's what ya do when you are a parent and you spend at least half a decade with someone. Your kids come first, then when you finally do get the alone time guess what you go home early because you miss your kids. :)

Love you guys always,

Like seeing more blogs? Comment below


P.S. I am trying to get back into the grove of VLOGGING. I have tons of footage, I can compile together and upload things from the past few months. however, my movie maker on my computer is messed up and I am trying out a few new editors to see if I like them.

Go check out The Eichhorst Family on You Tube. Subscribe if you haven't already!

Can't wait to upload more often.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Still feel lost....

Today was Brayden's interview with the local Autism Center.
In case you are nee and may not know exactly what has went on. Let me start out by explaining a brief summary as to  why we have ended up at the Autism Center.

       The most simplest answer of all is that Brayden has always had, have showed, and still shows signs of Autism. He has done this since he was a baby. I was always steered to believe he was a self dependent child at 6 months old.  If course I noticed it but never have been around a child or person that had autism. I had no clue anything about it. Once I got with Ken five years ago. From early on in our relationship he stated he showed signs of Aspergers. That he done similar if not the same things a family member of his does that has been diagnosed with Aspergers. (According to the lady today well that no longer exist.) From Pre- K to 1st grade the began to become more prominent and by the 1st grade we knew there was something. Because he wouldn't do his school work at school and it was a battle to even get him to attempted or even finish it at home. The pediatrician then diagnosed him with ADHD & PDD  (in more depth blog coming soon, because well it's 1:28 am dog tired but can't sleep. So why not get up and smoke right?)
        Anyways there's just a small summary or large summary of what has lead up to the interview from the Autism Center. 

      The appointment in which we have been on a waiting list now for over a year almost a year and half from the initial time we contacted the place.  Our appointment was at 1:30 p.m . and we were out of there by 3 pm. She talked to Brayden a lot but a lot of the focus was geared toward what I could remember. When did I started noticing things and such?  Therefor, the only answer she could really give me is that Autism is NO longer broken up. PDD no longer exist. Asperger's no longer exist. However, I feel that it may very on who you see. Because his pediatrician diagnosed him with PDD. Therefor, I am still lost, I still feel lost and confused if not more than before I went in there. The only thing she could quarentee me right now is that she isn't sure exactly what he has. She believes there is a chance that he is on the spectrum and if he is for sure on the spectrum. Which that confused me considering the sub titles, no longer exist. She kept stating she doesn't know exactly where on the spectrum he is. 

Anyhoo, he does have another appointment coming up in the next couple of weeks.  This appointment is suppose to be a 3 hour window of an appointment. But his IEP for school changed in May at the ending of the school year. Therefor, some of the testing that the Autism Center does, the school does as well, meaning there's a chance the appointment wont be nearly three hours.

Thanks for taking the time out to hear about my baby! :)

Love Always,

Sunday, November 6, 2016

What Happened?

I was going to do a blog series of getting organized. Organizing is something my whole household is working on right now. Well to clarify,Ken and I. But we have decided once we purge all that needs to go and get it going in an organized manner that the kids then will begin to help. Sometimes when we are trying to get rid of things and clean, I mean deep clean. The kids tend to slow us down with the OMG I have been looking for that. Or OMG you can't rid of the stuff that I haven't touched in over a year because I still manage to use it.

Yesterday was mine and Kens five year anniversary.  (Blog coming soon.)  Before bed we stated that we were going to deep clean today. {Sunday} Needless to say by time I fell asleep last night after getting the kids to bed. And today November 6th was "fall back". I woke up at like 8:30ish a.m.  and by 9a.m. I was back to sleep until 11a.m. Then when I got up, our neighbor left us a rental movie to watch before taking it back. (BAD MOM'S,WHICH WAS A BAD ASS MOVIE!!)  So Ken watched it again with me and I was very proud of him because not one time was I annoyed at him repeating the whole movie. Then I took it back as promised to my neighbor I would and well Ry went to a friend's house for a few hours. However today wasn't a complete bust. I cleaned a huge section of the kids room. About 4 loads of laundry. As well as cooked a fried  chicken dinner on top of pretty much deep cleaning the kitchen while cooking and after dinner. Ken cleaned the  living room and deep deep cleaned out the pantry, before he sat down to endure an hour of his life to AMC The Walking Dead. Ya know the typical fall Sunday night.  

Now, well it's close to midnight and I have to be up by at least 7 am to get kids off to  school. Then tomorrow Brayden has his evaluation threw our local autism center. Wish us luck. I am hoping to vlog.  I miss editing and posting videos. With the family holidays coming up. I am hoping to get into the groove of it.

Well until next time,

Love Always,