In some of my post and even video's on our You Tube Channel (The Eichhorst Family), I have spoke of Brayden being diagnosed with Autism. You may be wandering why I have made the title state that it's an unfinished diagnosis. Here's why.....
Brayden every since he was a little boy and when your in the doctor office as new born; first year of life checkup and they go over the "Autism Checklist" signs of Autism in your child. Brayden fit a lot of them to a T. His doctor always felt he was just an independent child. Few years go by and I get with Ken and we move in together. Ken has a family member that has Asperger's and I have friends that have family with the same diagnosis. I have known since he was a little baby that he was my special baby. Well eventually life catches up with you and before you know it your "itty bitty" baby is now in Pre-school. I had spoke with the teachers the findings that Ken and I felt. But in pre-school the signs are almost what you would considered hidden. Because at that age unless the child is what they have called "Full Blown" Autistic. Brayden isn't and that is where the unfinished came from. Well as a preschooler I had spoke with the speech therapist because I already knew her because of Ryleigh about some of the words he was pronouncing and how he was pronouncing them. She was able to use some of his speech sounds and get him in speech therapy in preschool which a lot of times is very rare. She too, noticed the signs of "Asperger's". But that is all that was every really spoke of it. Therefor here comes Kindergarten. The signs were there but not as prominent. There was one time that he felt out of his element and that was a day during a storm. He was so overstimulated by the thunder that he cut up his homework, wouldn't pay attention, couldn't focus, cut his crayons as well as cut his shirt. Later that night at home even cut his hair. By now you are probably thinking then why is he not diagnosed with Autism if you and the teachers have noticed it.
Well here below I'll explain this year and what pushed us to work with the teachers, therapist, as well as his doctor to get him a diagnosis.
The first quarter of first grade Brayden was a straight A distinctive student. By the first few weeks of second quarter EVERYTHING changed. Brayden begin not wanting to do his work. Not wanting any part of school, not wanting to do anything to do with school. He was what you would considered flunking the first grade because he wouldn't do his work but he knew all the answers. Finally speaking with the speech therapist who also does other therapies such as working with Autistic children, finally voiced to me something needed to be done. And basically if his doctor wasn't going to take the time out to help us help him. That as a mother I needed to find a new one. Well at this point and seeing how at the time Brayden's issue was affecting school. That's when the doctor got on board. Especially after I told him that Brayden voiced to us that it isn't that he doesn't want to do his work, but sometimes his brain won't let his fingers right. Finally on February 5th, 2016 Brayden was diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder) and PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder) Is that even Autism related? Yes it is! Well in our case it is. It's basically a way for the pediatrician to give him an Autistic diagnosis without giving it an Autistic name. Basically because in most states an Autistic child has to be diagnosis officially by psychologist that specializes with Autism. That is why his diagnosis is unfinished because we are waiting for the near by Autistic center to get him in. He is 39 on the list and the problem we have encountered is he more than likely with only one psychologist and the lengthiness of this test won't be seen before school starts back in August which is what we are aiming for. Just so he can start second grade fresh. That's where his speech therapist comes into play this summer because she is going to be helping him with his language and social aspects over the summer. Just so he can start second grade with better socialization skills and in general start the year off better.
Now you may ask, As parents how have Ken and I dealt with this? I haven't dealt with it easy. I have broke down and cried on extremely hard days. The days where I am with him all day and he has what is considered complete Autistic breakdowns. He cries all day long, nothing makes him happy. As a mother you want to console him and he won't let you. Then when he does he is laying in your arms crying because he's trying to explain to you what is wrong but then says he doesn't know what is wrong. His brain won't slow down long enough for him to know what is really making him cry. Ken has dealt with it as in he has been supportive. He has coped with it with me. Where ken works all day and if Brayden is home from school and it's just me and him (Brayden) I deal with everything by myself until Ken gets home. By then, I am on the verge of a breakdown. Ken is taking the load off of me trying to calm Brayden down. And as a father he hurts to not to be able to console his son. It's just been a difficult time for us. A trying journey as I call it.
Is Brayden being medicated? My thoughts? The first thing that I told the doctor is I understand that he needs something for the ADHD to help him focus. Help him stay on track. BUT, i'll be damned if in one day he is taking at 7 years old 15 different medications. I don't want my child a zombie. His doctor had to explain to me that BRAYDEN BRAIN is going 90 to nothing. I knew that. I also know that I don't want Brayden to turn out like his biological father. Basically meaning as a grown man his father didn't or couldn't function without some kind of medication. In all honesty he was use to the HIGH of it. He was use to feeling numb to his surroundings. However, after trial and error twice. Brayden found well we found a medication that WORKS. It helps him calm down as well as work with him to focus during school. I also don't have to give it to him on the weekends nor do I have to give it to him every day during the summer! That's a plus and helps the medication not to become addictive. Because it does have an addictive additive in it!
Anyways, if anyone has ANY questions please comment below and we will do our best to answer them. I am a busy mommy this time of year as my last blogged explained what would be going on! :)
Although this was quite a detailed blog post about Bray's unfinished diagnosis. It explains and gives and insight on him. If you would like to hear a shorter version of his unfinished diagnosis, head on over to our family you tube channel, THE EICHHORST FAMILY, and subscribe it's FREE. As well as here is the video about Brayden's unfinished diagnosis spoken in my words.
Catch Y'all later! :)
Hope You All Enjoy!
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