Friday, January 22, 2016

Life Update

O my goodness. I have not updated in so long and I am so sorry. I promised to get better and really was trying but my computer crashed and I love blogging from it. Because doing it on my phone my thumbs cramp because my phone is so small. (iPhone 5c) It's extremely late and I am fixing to go to bed. Then as I was making a Facebook post I thought to myself why not make a blog about my post. I am going to update you guys on life in general as soon as I get my new computer. But for now I am going to paste my status to Facebook. 

    "The last two nights for sure Henry has been great at going to sleep and staying asleep at night. I think a lot because when I would get up in the middle of the night hed be laying on the couch and before heading back to bed, I always make sure he's snuggled to his blankie. Just to let him know he isn't alone. Tonight I'm finally getting ready to conk out and before I do, I always go to the bathroom. Low and behold Henry is right on my heels.  Wide awake and follows me. Then I go to the bedroom and he starts barking. So I fix his blanket behind the couch and snuggle him .he barks again. I said Henry James it's night night lay down. He lays down. It's amazing in a few short weeks he understands his new family. And honestly besides a few mishaps he really is a great dog."

Nope haven't had a baby yet. I'm sure the first line for ya but we have gotten a puppy. When we get him he was 8 weeks old. He is from what the previous owner has said for sure blueheeler and believed to be a mix with rotwaller.  Before we got him he didn't actually have a name but the lady said her husband has always called him Henry. So we kept the name Henry and his name is Henry James. And as stated from my FB post he really is a great dog. When we got him he was already potty trained to a puppy pad. But when he gets excited he still has accidents. Nothing major that oxi-clean can't fix.  But before going to bed I wanted to update those that do follow my blog and I am going to make it habit to post more I promise. 

Down below will be a picture of our sweet Henry and Ryleigh of course. Aren't they gorgeous?