Thursday, January 29, 2015

Flu Epidemic...

At least in my household.

Tuesday, I ended up getting so sick with this massive headache in my EYE socket! Not my head my eye socket! I thought I was going to die! I started crying and just overall felt like poop and went home.  Needless to say I woke up Wednesday Morning feeling as if I stood on the train tracks with a train heading my way and smashed right into me.  I went to the doctor and the results are in I have Flu Type B.  I got prescribed Tamiflu and Mucinex. They have helped tremendously but she advice me not to go back to school until Saturday! My daughter woke up Thursday morning and wasn't really able to tell me what was wrong. I was able to figure out she had the stomach flu because chunks went flying everywhere, with me screaming. GO TO THE BATHROOM!  Although, I am sick today which is Thursday. I don't feel as bad as I did yesterday at 8 am. I am trying to get the house cleaned up to lysol everything! :)

I will update everyone on the Flu Epidemic that has taken over my house later on! I hope it is gone by Saturday! Because this stuff is no JOKE!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Busy Busy Past Three Days

As of January 22nd, I went back to school off my leave. I finally told myself that this is something I love to do and wanna grow in doing so.  This day was my first day back and I watch two of the Students whom started when I did do teach back. Guess what tho!! Before class ended she informed us of a test over the muscles. Eeeeek!!! I also had a redo perm.  And I had to dance for my bags. On to January 23rd, we had our muscle test. My instructor was proud because I had been gone two weeks and I only missed 4. She even said outloud that it's pretty sad I had been gone two weeks and made a better grade than some. This day we clean, organized, and I learned the desk. Finally Day three, January 24th, Saturday is a busy day. We had so many people come in that our sign in sheet was packed full.  Being my first Saturday countlessly on the floor. I had five clients, one in whiched rebooked.  First client up was a man that wanted a clipper cut with no guard. Sounds easy, right?! It is but was nerve racking because I wasn't and still ain't comfortable with the clippers.  I then finished him up and got him checked out and He was a gentlemen and tipped me. I had barely enough time before my other client came in which is a dear friend of mine who I done the perm for came in to getting a conditioning treatment. We are working on getting her hair healthy and less dry.  She also take medication and that's when she noticed the change in her hair texture. I was able to get her finished and cleaned up. Then got a little girl for a fringe( bang) cut. She was the sweetest little girl who loved Minnie Mouse.  After finishing her was able to go on lunch which seem to go by fast. Came back off lunch and worked on practical work. Then came out for a fade cut on a boy. Since being my first fade my instructor demonstrated for me. She finished that fade and my lovely boyfriend came in and again done a fade. I done this one more on my own and still not comfortable with the clippers. But it turned out great. 

My busy-ness didn't stop there, by time Igot done with Ken. I cleaned up clocked out and went to my mothers to finish getting my daughter ready for a father daughter dance.  When getting pictures we went to the dance. I took more pictures of course then went and met my mom and walmart. By time we got done there and came home I was completely exhausted. 

 There are two pictures that were taken at the father daughter dance that captures the relationship that Ken and Ry Bug share. I will share with you because it makes my heart melt everytime. 

(They were giving each other bunny ears. Ry was trying to move so Dad couldn't give her any.)

( this one is after the bunny ears settled and daddy was giving his girl hugs. Ry was still cracking up. ) 

By the way, haircut alert. Do you see that fresh cut. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Melatonin, Both kids.....

That's right both my kids take one 3mg-5mg tablet of melatonin at night.  They both take if though for completely different reasons. 

Let's start with my son...

As an infant my son was a horrible sleeper. He was up everyone hour on the hour wanting a bottle. Finally after a month of no one in my house getting sleep. I consulted with his pediatrician. Rice cereal half to whole teaspoon a feeding because he stayed hungry. At night his bottle got 2-3 teaspoons depending on if he actually took a good nap and are less that day due to actually napping.  By time he was two years, his eating was extremely picky and the sleeping seem to get worse. He could wake up at 5 am, if and when he took naps because by then naps were non existent, he could be up until 1 am the following day. Finally at this point in time the doctor put him on a .5 mg of melatonin which helps tremendously. This is also when we found out he lacked melatonin. During the the summer he doesn't have to take much because he absorbs it from the sun. 

Now onto my daughter she takes melatonin because she was diagnosed in 2012 with juvenile migraines. A lot of her migraines would happen either waking up in the middle of the night, woke up in the morning or roughly after school. Basically it boiled down to she got them not only because she's at that age for hormones to play a part but the main reason is exhaustion. 

Now ya know that two kids can take the same medication for two different reasons. 

Off to bed I go. I go back to school tomorrow after a two week leave!!! 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Truth Behind Stay Home Moms

The craziest thing happened the other day when I was ready an article on Facebook about the life of a stay at home parent. Reading the article my face smiled with joy. Granted I started school in November and as soon as I graduate plan to work. But then I started reading comments, someone I don't know commented that in general it is usually the mother that stays at home. He is correct but his comment didn't stop there. He said, "Must be nice to keep their fat lazy asses at home all day. That's why they are considered fat lazy bums because they fat, don't do shit, and live off their man." My face began to get red as I could feel the warmth building up, chest began racing, and in general fired me up. I wrote a long post on my personal Facebook, I had a lot to of stay at home moms back me up. I then hid the post because I was already having a bad day and then my sister had to be an ass and make a smartass comment that in the long run done nothing but caused me and her to go at it in a heated argument. Therefore, I'm going to break down the life as a stay at home mom verses a working mom (Since I'm using myself in general, I'm using school instead of work. Which when I go back, we will feel like work considering I'm on the floor.) 

I know I have made single mom post before, in which I need to clean up and/or delete.

Here goes:

The life I lived as a Stay-At-Mom:

During the school year my day starts at 6:30 am, my fat lazy bum butt gets up smokes a cigarette. (yes, I'm a smoker) Sometimes I am extremely exhausted and I to cheat and hit snooze a few times. The latest I get up is 7:20, you know the laziness in me sat the kids clothes out the night before and we live a block away from school.  On them good days I get up at 6:30 am, which is pretty much every week day. I start arguing and fighting with kids not wanting  to get out of bed to get ready for school. That is an everyday thing. Which is hilarious because come Saturday they are up at the crack of dawn. Sometimes as early as 5 on the weekends. Usually I get them dropped off, I come home drink my Mountain Dew while either listening to Cmt, sometimes catch myself watching the Cartoon my son and/or daughter was watching before we headed to school. I then get started on laundry, I usually do a lot of laundry a week but considering the sickness between kids and I we got really behind. Ken makes a joke out of it because he has one pair of underwear he doesn't want to let go that are holey. He says babe I'm down to the hole in my drawers meaning it's time to do laundry. Not only that but it's still winter but coming up on Spring. Therefore as I start going thru clothes that don't fit. I do tend to give myself more work by having to wash them before putting them in the "to small for you" plastic tote. 

I clean up messes from the night before, in the living room and kitchen. 

I may sit down to smoke, eat, and sometimes watch a tv show. Sitting down as a stay at home mom doesn't make you lazy.  Pretty much during the day it's pretty laid back and easy while kids are at school. If the weather isn't fridget outside. I will clean out my car if need be, walk around the yard and pick it up, clean up the porch, warm or not I take out trash if Ken forgot to. Even though he works full time that is the one thing I ask him to do along with pulling the trash cans to the curb on the day they need to be. If it's warmer I do a lot of times. But the cold messes with me. Im very intolerant to it due to thyroid issues. 

Now onto the fun part of my day is when the kids are home from school. The constant getting up to make my son a peanut butter toast Sandwhiches, get my daughter a snack, usually by this time I'm  figuring out supper if I haven't already laid out food. The constant fighting/bickering back and forth. (During the summer it's the constant mom can I go outside, mom stop what your doing take us swimming, mom I'm bored, and mom I'm hungry. The MOM word NEVER ends. On top of siblings rivalry.) 

Oh here comes supper/bath time these two are usually together. In the sense that  more chances than non my son eats a bowl of chicken noodle soup. He's my picky child but doesn't take him long to eat and in the tub he goes. For some reason even though my daughter knows this she always starts stating as soon as I mention bath time/ shower time Bub is going first. Finally once he's in the tub she hushed up. Yes, she is older and has a later time of having to do things. Shower time though is different. She has a different show every night she loves watching from 8-9. I  make her shower before 8 or she argues with me about not taking one. I hope the showering and not wanting to brush her hair is just a phase. It's like hell some days to get her to do either.  

Finally bed time!!!!! Who doesn't enjoy sleeping or bed time? KIDS 

They despise bedtime, why I don't know because there momma sure does enjoy it.  Both my children bed times are different my son is at 7:30-8 my daughter is 9. My son is easy because since he has to take melatonin especially in the winter when he doesn't get out to get any from the sun. By 8, he is usually laying im bed begging five more minutes please. But shortly falls asleep. My daughter takes melatonin as well for different reasons. But she argues with me to take her medicine. She argues that it takes time for it to kick in. By time all the arguing is over its 10 pm. I have to actually sit in the room with her for her to fall asleep. Anywhere between 5 minutes to an hour, I have even fell asleep in there.  The bedtime routine is a struggle in itself. Mainly because both kids are wore out tired fighting to watch the last bit of their show. Brayden so tired he doesn't want to brush his teeth but finally does it. Ry on the other hand refuses to do it until she gets so tired of hearing tell her to she finally does. 

Point being there MOMMY is tired. 

By time I get to bed if I make it to bed. I am exhausted.  I have to wind down.  I have really been trying to blog at night or start on blogs. I check facebook and Pinterest. Finally it's midnight and I crash. Most nights I get woke up by a kid or my bladder. Other reasons is Ken's pushing a kid  on me because I was so exhausted I was out, nothing woke me up or wakes me up during the heavy sleep cycle. Such as my son army crawling through the covers from the bottom. Ry sneaks beside me and I never feel her and I wake up to my arm wrapped around her and the glory of morning breath. 

Stay at home parents most likely mothers. It's not all glitz and glamorous sitting on our asses all day. Granted we do if we have kids full time in school get a chance to nap (I never due because I am such a heavy sleeper. Scared I won't get up in time to go get kids.) yes with full time kids in school if we are sick we can rest. I will say if I'm  on my death bed sickly, that's the only time I take a nap. But in case my alarm doesn't wake me up. I make arrangements for my kids to be picked up by someone. I didn't sit on my ass all day. I may be a heavier woman but my weight has nothing to do with me being lazy. Before categorizing someone know them. Because for a fact I know and those that know me well know my "fatness" is because since I was 12 I have suffered with hypothyroidism/ it's completely inactive. 

Now onto verses working moms. 

Im not going to go into a detail scenario here.  Because although my working right now is full time cosmetology school. The only thing that changes here is during the 8 hours my kids are at school, im at school, their daddy is at work, and I come home an hour after they get to the sitters.  

 Stay at home mom verses full time working mom. There's something in there that never changes. The title of who I am doesn't change, mommy.  Working/schooling or not I still have to cook, clean, laundry, feed, bathe, more laundry, and get kids to bed. While juggling at this time in my life studying, homework, preparing three people for the next morning. My days start at 5:30 sometimes five. 

I have to continue as a mother for my kids and provide and take care of them no matter what I do. I still have to go grocery shopping (usually Ken and the kids go), I still run errands and pay bills. 

Point to take from this blog post is that no matter if I stay home or work. Staying home doesn't make me a fat lazy bum. No woman (manly woman this man referred to) should ever be downgraded for what they do in life. 

If you believe the old ways, woman stayed home and took care of it and kids while men work. Granted in this day in time it takes two incomes. In mine and my fiancĂ© as I sometimes call him because it isn't official yet but it was easier for us because when I did work . I got minim wage driving 30-40 away from home for 15 hours a week. My job hurt us.  I was not only using my check for gas and paying my sister for getting my son off the bus because he was in half day preschool. But I ended up needing more money from Ken's check for gas. 

Therefor know a situation, never downgrade. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My Plans For Tomorrow...

My leave for school is still active and as of tomorrow I will have a missing tooth. The pain has been so severe that I couldn't tough it out until Income Taxes. To the dentist I go tomorrow. 

The pain is so intense that I would have ten more c-sections before enduring another tooth pain. In all honesty I am hoping he tells me he can fix it verses having to pull it. Ugh why does heredity play such a big roll in dental. I inherited genes in which I don't like because I unfortunately have bad teeth no matter the depths I go to keep them good.  

Although I've learned that the man above has other plans.  

On that note, to bed I go. To get some sleep to help me relax tomorrow. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Toothache From Hell

I have never had the best of teeth. Not because I didn't take care of them but because it's a genetic disorder that basically causes your teeth to decay from the inside out. Nothing that Im proud of but hey stuff happens. on top of everything going on I have a toothache from hell. It started about two days ago. Nothing I do eases the pain.  It's the pain you get when you have an abcessed tooth. Yes, it hurts. The one thing I haven't tried is a dear friend of mine suggested I use clove oil. Needless to say our local Walmart was out. 

Any suggestions? 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

What was my first service I done?

Saturday 3rd was my first day being on the floor. Being on the floor means that I am allowed to preform services on actual HUMANS. Well I preformed a spiral perm. On a friend of mine. It looked good when she left but the perm didn't hold. Therefore it has to be redone. 

I have taken a week possible two week leave.  For some personal reasons, mainly babysitting reasons.  

Monday, January 5, 2015

Pulse Ox?? Taxes???Cutting Hair Oh my.

Pulse Ox meter determines your oxygen level. To be a smoker I've always have had great oxygen levels. Weird, I know. However somewhere in the middle of the night I am subconsciously waking up causing me to be lethargic all day when it eventually is time to get out of bed. The doctor that I seen wants me to try an overnight pulse Ox machine. To determine If I may have sleep apnea. I am really hoping this thing don't go off a million times in the middle of the night. 

On to the next line of business. Taxes!! I swear they are the most confusing and agitating things of all. My boyfriend and I (as well as my kids) have lived together for two and half years now. Please explain to me just because he isn't biologically his doesn't mean he doesn't support them. He has put a roof over their heads, clothed, fed, and bought things they need and even wanted.  But since he isn't biologically their dad he isn't allowed to gain earn income credit. I understand long ago he could. But some jackasses had to ruin it for everyone letting Sally and Ron brother from another mother claim their kids. But why punish those who take on responsibility when he didn't have to but did. He didn't take on the responsibility to raise my kids because of a check. He done it because he loves me and fell in love with my package deal, my kids.  In all honesty tho it is the most unfair situation to put anyone in.  Either way we will survive. 

I also am now on the floor where I am allowed to do haircuts, colors, and perms. Wait for my next blog post to see what I done first. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Nervous Doesn't Even Cut it

Although I wish our school would have at least given us until the 6th. We go back tomorrow. Which sucks because my kids don't go back until the 5th. But I'm extremely nervous because we have to dance for our bags and then on top of it all I am now on the floor... Squeek... How nerve racking. It's nerve racking to me because we haven't learned everything yet.  Nervous at whom my first client will be. Im extremely nervous as why on earth do we have to dance to get our bags. 

As tomorrow is approaching quickly, to bed I am going.

Night World!!!