Friday, July 20, 2018

A Wonderful Day 7*20*2018

Today has been one absolutely great day but this momma is wore out.  My daughter got to spend the day with her boyfriend. Which he such a sweetheart, he told Ryleigh that he took off from work in with his aunt this weekend so he could spend more time with his girlfriend. But they went to town shopping for shoes with him, his mother, and little brothers. During this time Brayden and just went to town to run some errands and he earned a BeyBlade Toy, which he earned it in a different way than you think. That last almost month he just wants to either sleep with us or in our bedroom floor eventually getting in bed with us. Last night I made a deal that if he could stay in his bed and in his room unless for a legit reason besides just wanting to get out of bed and get in bed with mommy and daddy that he could have a toy. But he earned it as well on Monday he was so good at the doctor. Granted he didn't feel good but with his Autism there are things he can't handle and at eh doctor office he becomes extremely over stimulated.  Before going on about our day let me state two things therefore I don't get hated on. Both my children know if they absolutely need mommy or daddy throughout the middle of the night, whether they are sick or just scared. That we do not shoo them away. With that being said number two is remembering we all raise our kids differently and if how I raise my kids is spoiling in your eyes, well so be it. Because as we spoil our children we are teaching our children about life and how to earn a dollar. Thank you, now I will stepped back down from my pedestal and finish our day. 

Brayden and I eventually got home around noon and it was like clockwork. Friends began knocking on the door wanting to play with Brayden. I really try not to complain because Brayden struggles with  socializing and well we have kids  the house almost everyday. Ryleigh eventually got home from her day date and then Cody her boyfriend came over for a bit. This was the first time that I actually really got to talk to him.
Anyways, I typed out a lot the other day to finish out this blog post and nothing saved. So I am just gonna end the day of July 20th, by saying Rys bf is a sweet respectful young boy. I hope they care enough about each other to make it last.

Now maybe this will save and publish this time, At least I hope so.


Friday, July 6, 2018

An Invisible Disease

I will be 33 at the end of this month,July 31st, to be exact. I am a loving fiance of almost seven long years. I am a mother of two wonderful kids. But I bet if you had to guess it, you would have never guessed that I to am living with an invisible u diesase. I have osteoporosis of the left hip. Extreme nerve damage in my left leg. Degenerative Disc Disease, nerve damage, and two bulging disc in my lower part of my back/spine. I will give you some history to what has lead me to my official diagnosis over a year ago.

I know some people may know a little bit about  what's been going on with me the last well almost 10 years.   Starting with back story of what lead me to having an invisible disease. 

When I was pregnant with Brayden, my son and youngest,  while developing in the womb especially once he began getting bigger.  (Which he was only 6lbs 7oz if I can remember correctly. Its been almost 11 years since I was prego. So forgive me questioning his weight.) He favored my left hip area and my doctor at every visit would do what he could to get him to move over. Most of the time the baby would move causing such wonderful relief, but hours later Brayden would move back to his comfort spot. Ultimately the last six months being pregnant, losing key nutrients and with his pregnancy I lost a lot of weight, the pressure of him hugging that left hip are damaged my sciatica nerve which in the end damaged the nerves in my left leg.  Over the years even before kids and my first one I had at 20, suffered with back pain which everyone assumed it was caused by none other than I am a heavy chested lady, have been since the sixth grade and of course have always struggled weight wise. Nothing more was ever thought of because was told unless I had a breast reduction the pain would never go away. Knowing what I know now breast reduction or not the pain was gonna happen and get worse as I got older. But why,  Im young right?

After Brayden was born I started having extremely bad pains in my left hip area at 24 they assumed it was ovary issues causing the pain. Because I had a history of ovarian cyst. As well as within the last six months after his birth I was still considered just having a baby. The obgyn  treated me a few years for woman issues they assumed was causing the pain stopped going and to be honest can not remember exactly why besides what they were treating me for was ovarian cyst and they were gone but again its been some years. I had done really well up until the summer of 2014, that puts me almost the age of 29. I dealt with it even mentioned to my doctor considering I seen her every three months for a med refill.  I have an inactive thyroid, high blood pressure, and extremely bad allergies. Nothing then was ever done  Well fast forward to the summer of 2015 we were in St. Louis for Ryleigh annual eye appointment, that trip was a great trip besides the pain in my lower back and left hip like to killed me. My daughter or my mother had to tie my shoes for me because the pain was like a intense fire like intense pain all through my left leg and my spine and at a lot of our stops (we would make it a weekend trip or a few day trip to shop around) I would not go in the stores because by them walking became a chore. That very day on our way home I never will forget my  mother told me I either need to find out what was going on and to get help or she feared Id be paralyzed.

I did go to a doctor a month after my mom saying that to me. I was having a good day, wasn't in distress. Told the  doctor I had everything I had been told over the years. To this day I have never been back because the doctor looked at me and said you aren't even 30 and claim to be in pain. Well I've been a doctor many years and I am sure you just want a pain pill script.  It took me two years to that day to go back to a doctor and I only did because my mother told us we were gonna go eat pizza but first we will find out what is wrong with you. 

I did, and it was a great day to know what was going on with my body. That day I received a  cocktail shot of morphine and valium, I also took it in the arm. Burning and a big ol son of a bitch ouch.