Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Anna & Harper

Elf On The Shelves have been slacking due to this mommy being exhausted and having health issues with my heart. Will make a spot to explain it all. However you can see the excitement the kids get when they find their elves in the morning but behavior an attitude wise has pretty much sucked. My son is in Pre-K and has been getting in trouble not for being mean but for not minding such as sitting and doing his work.  (I don't like daycares which is weirs because I'd love to own one, but for almost 8 years I was a stay at home mom it was easier. For the fact at the time I lived with my parents. I'd so to speak do chorea by keeping the house clean and laundry done and cook for my parents as my rent.) Back to Brayden he has never been in a daycare so he hasn't been around a lot of kids. He doesn't lack social skills but he just wants to play.  Now on to Ryleigh she's a red headed drama filled diva 8 year old. Who knew second grade was so tough social wise? But her attitude and not minding has pushed me over the edge of wanting to give up. Ryleighs lack of her biological sperm donor as I have rightfully named him hasn't been there in 8 years on two hands can count 6 times he "paid" her a 20 minute visit and that was all before the age of two.  That affects Ry as well. However tonight Santa typed a letter with some Santa Guidelines.  If they follow these guidelines in two days will receive task to full fill to get on a better less stressful path for mommy. Right now Anna and Harper have been pinned and taped to the wall and if they fail their guidelines they will disappear completely.

I will now post on that in the following days to come.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Elf On The Shelf

I know its a little early for Elf on the shelf but hey Ken wont let me put up the tree so why not. However, poor Anna (Ryleigh's elf) & Harper (Brayden's elf) they havent moved very far. Matter a fact they have lost their magic for a week. Due to the kids acting up. Ry has been mouthing and Brayden bad in school. Can you believe a 4 year old being bad in school. Especially when he hasn't ever really gotten in trouble at school. So what better way to get positive feedback by showing them that everyday they are bad the elves lose there magic. They know that every time they are bad that Santa knows.

Will update later on how well this method works. Gotta run and get my son off the  bus.

Lovely Day to All

Monday, November 18, 2013

Stress Holidays & More Stress

Holidays such as Thanksgiving & Christmas is suppose to be some of the happiest times of the year, right? Don't get me wrong who doesn't want to stuff their faces all day and not be judged...I know this girl does.  But why does the holidays have to be so stressful. Preparing food, getting together with family, Christmas to follow.  With all the stress my heart has been under my blood pressure has been extremely high.  So on top of that  the doctor tells me to alleviate the stress, how I'm still not sure. Considering all the holidays coming up, work, my kids, and I am starting to Organize my house.  I'm tired of doing little here and there. So I'm going to try my best to get things organized before the holidays.  So the stress is there. Ugh I know this is random and going in seperate direction than what I wanted.
Basically I'm try to break down and say why does the end of the year have to be so crazy and stressful.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Toothache To Jaw Pain

It's been quite hectic here lately.  Since last Wednesday I have been extreme pain with my mouth.  I had a tooth that had chipped it never bothered me and I never done anything about it because it didn't bother me.  So within months of no pain all of a sudden PAIN galore. Let me tell you I'd be more happy to have multiple c-sections than to endure pain like this.  I Broke down went to the dentist.  I walked in he looked in my mouth like most dentist do and said we are pulling it. There's no saving it. That's fine, the pain will go away.  NO, the tooth is abscessed.  He still pulls it. The abscessed ate my blood clot, setting up a dry socket. I went for a week with severe pain.   DRY SOCKET! He cut that out, but the pain is not so intense but still hurts due to my jaw healing from the tooth being pulled, having a dry socket, and having TMJ on top of that.  So 173 dollars later the pain is there but not so rough.

Tonight though we are planning on getting the "Elfs" out early. Hoping that showing them that Santa is watching them will help with all the back lash I get when I tell them it's time for cleaning. :)

I hope things will go as planned.

I hope to really start blogging a whole lot more.

Between working, taking care of kids, having a boyfriend that I live with and doing things to prepare to the up coming holidays. I am one busy lady! :)