Saturday, June 25, 2016

Update On Ry

I know I promised for an update on Ry yesterday.  Better late than never right? There's been a lot of personal issues going on the past few days and well today some more kind of hit the fan. I woke up this morning and it was 8:30 am but didn't fall asleep until after 3. But Ken had to work this morning and for some reason the last two weeks I have been extremely exhausted. Like the exhausted you lay down on the bed to relax, check your phone, or watch tv and you pass out and sleep for three hours not realizing you fell asleep until them three hours have passed. Yeah that type of exhaustion.  But back to the original reason for the post...

Update on Ryleigh....

It was two weeks Friday since her surgery on the tenth of June. My last update she was still in severe pain with her jaw alone. Well by the following day she took one dose of regular Tylenol that morning. That night she slept with an ice pack and I made her take a dose of her actual pain medicine so she could get some sleep, she didn't ask for any because she wasn't in any pain. The reasoning for making her take it was because both my kids are like me and have trouble sleeping. Whether it's falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. Mainly just falling asleep. Rys is anxiety related insomnia and Brayden's is one of the major signs we learned about his autism. But Brayden takes melatonin and Ry won't anymore because she felt it contribute to her having bad dreams. Well on nights it's extremely hard for her sleep we give her zzzzquil. the ones we have are pill form. The only liquid form we have of a sleep agent or would help her go to sleep was the pain med. I mean in the last two weeks she's hardly been active such as going out and wearing herself out. Ugh, there I go just a rambling woman. The next day after the day I just spoke about she took no medicine at all, complained one time of her jaw hurting. Still refused any medicine. And since then she has been back to herself. She had a friend stay the night. She went swimming with said friend the next day. Then this last Friday she stayed the night with Nana and they went to craft crop this morning. 

So thank you to all that have kept Ry in your prayers. They were greatly appreciated and answered. 

Love you all,
Come back ya hear,


Monday, June 20, 2016

Still In Sever Pain A Week Later

This past Friday (6/17/2016), Ry is one week post operation.  I will give you a low down of our past since last updating you guys when she was freshly hours after surgery.

Friday night 6/10
Like stated in my previous post Ry was in some serious pain and we had went back to my parents.  We were able to keep her hydrated because she knew if it dried up it could cause bleeding. That and it hurt extremely bad.  She fell asleep or shall I say dosed off while I went to Walmart to grab some ibuprofen. Once I got back and woke her up to take her meds. My mom and I both had ramen noodles and well I took some from my bowl and a pair of kitchen cutting scissors and finely chopped some noodles up for her and she ate half of that. Shortly after we went to bed, needless to say I fell asleep. She kept dosing off and my mom got up about two to use the bathroom woke her up to make sure she needed to drink and At this point she needed another dose of her pain meds. Then she pretty much dosed off and on. My dad leaves for work about 7 and she said I swear momma papa looked in the room not realizing I was awake but looked at me like I was crazy. Shortly thereafter she woke me up wanting more meds and it was then she slept for a solid three hours without interruptions, which all in all was what she needed.

Saturday 6/11
As expected she was still in extreme pain and as long as she had the medication in her she done well. She ate a biscuit. Mainly the inside of the biscuit! It seems at night is when it gets extremely painful for her.

Sunday 6/12- Monday 6/13
These two days were pretty much the same except the factor part that Monday after Brayden's game and we picked her up from my sisters. She sneezed. Anyone that has ever had a tonsillectomy knows that sneezing is the most horrible part of it all!  Well this sneeze helped her out a little bit but believe hurt her too. She did have a white scab back there and when she sneezed it busted. However, that allowing then she felt relief on the back of her throat. But since then she has experienced extreme jaw pain. 

Tuesday 6/14- Friday 6/17
So far since about Tuesday all that she has experienced is the jaw pain. Which honestly gets extremely intense. Like she wakes up every morning and pretty much has to get a dose of her pain medicine or Tylenol or Motrin before continuing the day.  Besides that she has now gotten wear pretty much she can eat.

Like today Monday 6/20 she I sitting watching Marley and Me eating a ham sandwich with no crust. 

I must say that I am extremely proud of her because she has done extremely well considering the circumstances.

Well folks that's all for an update. I am not feeling all that great today. Well let me take that back I feel fine I am just experiencing nerve pain in my hip and I am extremely tired today! :(

I do however have semi exciting news that I want to share later on but right now I am just waiting for more confirmation! :)

See y'all later.


Sunday, June 12, 2016

Suave Purely Fun Kids Shampoo

I have always loved Suave Products, mainly because of the variety of smells and the cheap prices. I received Suave Purely Fun Kids Shampoo in my Influenster box for Free.* I absolutely loved using in on my kids. My daughter actually has broke out with using Suave Deodorant so I was reluctant to try this on her. Because of that as well as the fact she has eczema and seems to break out more in the summer months.  However, we took a leap and tried this the night before she had her surgery and all was good she didn't break out! :)

At our local Walmart it was marked I believe at 2.00 USD but I would have to check to make sure.

I would say the way the world is today and people placing just about anything in their products I would give this a try. As well as it's inexpensive.

*I was given this product for free to try by Influenster for my honest opinion.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Surgery Day 6/10/2016

Today started out an overall exciting and nervous day. But it turned into one of my babygirls most painful days of her life. Her tonsils were removed.  She is laying on me right now because she is so exhausted and has so much pain medicine from the day in her I am surprised she hasn't slept all day but when your in severe pain even the strongest pain med doesn't take away all the pain and rawness.

Before we get ready for bed I will give a slight recap of what the day was like.

We got to the hospital and they prepped her for the surgery. They then sent me into the waiting room and before I knew it she was done and coming back to her pre-op room.  The doctor said she done extremely well, and that he believes from the surgery she wasn't going to have any post op bleeding. She was going to be just fine. HE said usually in patients he feel will have post op bleeding he can tell during surgery but he said she hardly bled during surgery. He did say they were huge and infected. He put her on an antibiotic as well has pain meds. He said the antibiotic isn't because she is infected because the tonsils are gone now. But it is a post operative measure because studies have showed that it helps as well with the pain. 

We did come back to my parents for a while, then we went home to see daddy and Henry for awhile and Brayden had a game that daddy took him too. However, they said the first day and night would be the worse. So far she has honestly done really well, except the fact that she is hurting really bad and they said we could rotate in between ibuprofen. So since Walmart is in the town my parents live at we decided to come back to nana's. which is good because my mom is going to help me through the night with her.

Anyways, Gonna get off here and call daddy and get her hydrated more and comfortable and get a few hours shut eye!

Catch you all later


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Tomorrow Is The Day..

It's damn near tomorrow already, however, I wanted to jump on here and say that if I take a out of nowhere hiatus. It isn't because I don't like blogging or have things to blog about. But tomorrow at again like 10 minutes from now, at eight am. Ryleigh will be having a tonsillectomy.  Every child I have been told just like every older person has told me, that everyone is different. At least will be a week hiatus, two weeks at the most. This all depends on how well this surgery goes. As you can see it's damn near midnight (tomorrow) already and I am up blogging and editing and uploading a video. The purpose is because my daughter one is nervous but two can't have anything after midnight of course to eat or drink. So she is taking in all the drinks she can. No seriously she's having a tonsillectomy, her throat is raw as well as huge tonsils and her throat gets dry. Therefor, she is in them older ladies terms wet your whistle. (I sure am hoping those older ladies meant get a drink and not anything more than that. It's late, I am tired.) I feel as if I haven't gotten anything accomplished this week besides I know for a fact that I have gotten at least 5 loads of laundry done. Yes, I have a lot of laundry, I let it get away from me on top of going threw clothes to sale or give away.  I am hoping after the doctor appointment this coming Monday for Brayden, that we will slow down running errands during the days of the week.

However, fixing to let her get her last drink before midnight and pray I don't fall asleep with her! I am exhausted.

I will catch you all later,

P.S. I am not asking you to do so if that isn't how you believe. As I am not the person to push my beliefs on someone. But if you do believe in God. Please Pray! This Momma is nervous wreck as well as my baby girl.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Busiest Week Of Our Lives!!!

The busiest week of the year for us especially with Ryleigh being in dance is the week of Memorial Day. This is because her Dance Recital is ALWAYS the weekend after Memorial Day!  This year was EXTREMELY busy for us because on top of dance recital prep week and the normal Brayden having t-ball practice, we added one more game to the mix. Ryleigh started softball this year.

That Sunday before Memorial Day we had a family reunion and because of the holiday the following day; Ken went into work until 10 that night just so his check wasn't short. I have told y'all he's a hard working family providing man and he's all mine! :) That Monday was memorial day and to be honest we done absolutely nothing. Tuesday, May 31st, was Ryleigh game and Brayden practice. Reminding you that both their ball teams are in two different towns.  Wednesday, Ryleigh had a softball game but missed because of conflicting picture time for dance. 
Ryleigh in her ballet costume. This is Ryleigh 6th year doing dance in general but first year doing lyrical where she got to wear what dancers call "foot undies"! This was my favorite dance!

This is her jazz costume and quite my least favorite costume. It was just the material and the jumper like setup I didn't like! But this was Ryleigh's favorite of all three of them!  

  Ah, then we get to the "mermaid" costume. In person might now show as well here with Ryleigh standing with all her sass and all but it resembled a mermaid. Even though the dance was to "I Feel BeautifuL" and had absolutely nothing to do with mermaids. This was my favorite costume!

  All these costumes of course incorporated through-out the rest of the week. However, now we move onto Thursday, June 2nd, Ryleigh had yet another Softball game. (To be honest was pretty happy that all of these games this week were early games.) On top of it being an early game though, I missed Brayden's practice. Luckily the games for both played out right. Ryleigh won't be able to play the tournament due to her surgery this coming Friday. But we promised she'd get to watch the tournament. But Brayden's games in there selves go all the way to July 1st. So I won't get to miss but maybe 2 if that!  Then we move on to Friday, June 3rd, was dance rehearsal, NO GAME thank GOD! But considering the rehearsal didn't start until 6:15 p.m. us dance moms were all prepared to stay until midnight like we did the previous year. We were surprised though because I believe we were out of there before nine o'clock. Which in all honesty I was SO HAPPY because even though we were scheduled for 6:15 pm we didn't even do our first dance until almost 7:45 pm.  I was happy we got out of there because I forgot to mention on Wednesday I received a text from Ryleigh's softball coach and if you are familiar with any of our vlogs over on You Tube, The Eichhorst Family. You would know for this time of year in our area we have received a lot of rain. Essentially when the field is down right muddy and slick we aren't playing mud-ball we are playing softball. Therefore, in one week all of Ryleigh's games were rescheduled. The one game that was rescheduled she had to miss because she had a migraine on top of that I had company come in from Mississippi and a house full of people. However, back to that Wednesday text, due to the rain and since having to have all games including tournaments done by June 15th because of corporate games starting. We got slammed with a double header June 4th, and we were lucky that they were early because Ryleigh's recital was that night but hers wasn't until the 6 pm recital. But the downfall was the games that played at 9:30 and 10:30 am didn't start on time due to lack of teammates, so our games started late, meaning we opted out of the second game. Which her coach came to us about because he knew Ry's recital was that night.

Recital went off without a hitch and Ryleigh done so well that after her nana (who helps pay for dance because she is such a loving Nana) and I told her she wasn't doing it anymore due to pricing and her missing a lot this year between a broke foot and throat issues. (Hence why she is having surgery this Friday!) But Nana was impressed and she does it every year says Ryleigh wasn't going to dance the following year and she continues dancing.

Does the recap of our Memorial Week wear you out because it sure did me.

As soon as this week slows down and I get a chance, probably after but could be before, I will get Ryleigh dance video up on our channel. I'll make sure to share it to the blog.

Y'all Come Back Ya Hear..
Nice having ya,

Monday, June 6, 2016

Please Beware and Knowledgeable.

Please if all possible like my blog post before title "Why Do Kids Have To Be So Mean?" Education is the key factor in life. Doesn't have to happen in a classroom. Because everyday life is education.  Educate your children even if they don't have Autism about autism. Educate yourself about Autism. Because before really getting into doing research about Autism and all the signs of being the Autistic Spectrum. It wasn't until last year that my fiancé and I put two and two together and realized that some of the things that Brayden was doing during the summer last year was a sign of Autism. Chidlren with Autism (ASD) are extremely drawn to water. That explained a lot even though we drilled in to our children's head about our pool in the back yard when swimming Brayden was very drawn to it. Drawn to going under water or floating for a few minutes with his face in the water.  Accidental Drowning is the leading cause of death in children on the Autistic Spectrum all the way up to the age of 14.
If you are like us and have more than one child, but between the two only one of them are Autistic. You can't punish the whole family by not putting up the pool in fear of a child drowning. I mean even children without Autism can drown. That's why any child that isn't a grown adult should NEVER be left unattended in a pool. Even a kiddie pool, because it only takes a little bit of water to drown.
As following below will be a few types on owning and having a pool up during summer if you are family that has an Autistic child in the home. This could be useful tips for anyone, new to autism parents, new parents in general, and even foster/adoptive parents who may have never fostered or adopted a child who was on the autistic spectrum.
  • Children with Autism aren't stupid. They are quite smart, they are also human and understand. PREACH it in their heads the SAFETY of the pool.
  • If need be THREATEN them. For Example: I threatened my kids last year if they were caught anywhere near the pool without an adult supervision I would take them outside with me to watch me put a knife in the side of the pool multiple times.
  • Explain to them every night before bed (this comes in handy when you have older children but not old enough to go swimming alone) more safety and the rules. For Example: Our Rules are as follows, If you get up before mommy does (because I am stay at home mom and here more with them) and then you ask, "What do you do?" My kids will answer wake mommy up. Even though neither one of them rarely do because they either jump in bed with me to watch TV or go into the living room with everything still locked up such as all the doors and watch Netflix.  Disclaimer: I very rarely sleep in when my kids are even home during the summer because I set my alarm to try and be up before they are or shortly after.
  • Another question we go over is, Is anyone outside or even allowed to open the front door if mommy and in rare cases daddy is still in bed? (Again it very rarely happens) The kids will follow with No we are not allowed to open the front door or even go outside and if we do we are in trouble. Mommy will put a knife in the pool.
These things may get tiring to do and don't get me wrong at least the first month I go after these kids about the rules and safety of pools just like I do with gun safety. That's another blog in itself coming up maybe in a few days.  But once our pool is up and a month has went by they get into the routine of telling you the rules of the pool before bed.  They are human and need reminding no matter how simple it may be to you!

Before going I would like to leave you with a few safety tips.
  • You want the pool accessible in case you are sitting outside the pool like I do most the time because our pool last year was a big pool but wasn't round enough. But you want it accessible in case something happens to a child and you don't have time to fly up the deck stairs. You can just jump over.
  • Deck: we are in the process of getting our new pool and new deck up as we speak but this deck we will have it locked to where no one can get into it unless it's unlocked.
  • Rules for kids in our pool: We don't mind the neighbor kids swimming, it gives our kids someone to swim with during the summer. However, we make rules and they apply for anyone that steps foot in our pool. 
  • Rules we have made: ABSOLUTELY NO FIGHTING, First offense your in time out, since I am a giver of second chances, you have one more chance and if caught fighting in the pool you are out for the day. No "Pretend" drowning yourself or someone else. For Example: some of our boys that swam last year would always push someone's head under water. Finally after a week of not swimming while everyone else got to we gave him a chance and he quite doing it thereafter. 

Remember when it comes to the safety of your children in a container filled with water. Rules must be consistent.
Thank you again for taking pool safety seriously for any child.
Always remember that an autistic child is extremely drawn to it.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day today!

Catch You All Later,


Sunday, June 5, 2016

Influenster: Suave Professional Mask Coconut Milk

I absolutely love Suave products to begin with, but like most people I switch things up from time to time.  I was given a sample of Suave Professional Mask Coconut Milk, which to be all right and honest I LOVE their sample sizes because they gave me 8 FL OZ container. Just like what they offer in stores or on amazon.  Speaking of amazon, this products runs retail for $19.99 and I got it for free.**

I have only used this once on my face as this last week has been one busy week for our family. I almost between dance recital prep, softball games, and tball practices felt as if I only come home to sleep. (Hence why this next week is deep cleaning week for the most part.) But I am still busy this upcoming week as well. Anyways, back to the review. Like I was saying, I have only used it once. But in one application of this product my face has been smoother.  Then again, I'm not sure if I apply it right because I am not the type of person that leaves "Mask" on my face, so I just applied it as I would lotion. Because in my opinion that is all it is a facial lotion.  

I must inclue even though it is a facial mask that of course I do differently than others, I still had some left on my hands and everynight before bed I always put lotion on the back of my arms because I have those little tiny annoying little bumps. However, I noticed a change when I woke up from the Suave Professional Mask Coconut Milk being rubbed on the back of my arms.

**Disclaimer: I was sent these products by in exchange of reviewing the products they sent at giving feedback.

Influenster: Pilot Acroball Pen Review

In my Super Mom Vox Box by Influenster, I received two AcroBall Pens by Pilot for FREE!**
I was given a white and blue pen that wrote with blue ink and a solid pink pen that wrote with none other than pink ink!

My thoughts on writing with the pens are as followed..

I normally am a PaperMate Inkjoy Gel Pen (since trying them when they came out) but before that I always wrote with the Bold Pilot G2 (believe that's the name).  These pens in my opinion wrote almost in gel like ink but with a roller ball it felt like to me. So almost like a ball point pen made into a roller gel ink pen. Listed below are a few likes I have for the pens as well as dislikes.
  • I like the shape of the pens and the gripper at the end meaning almost the thickness of the pen.
  • I like the colors they wrote in. (Pinks My Favorite Color, Blue following close behind)
  • I like that they were given to me for FREE.**
  • I like the clicker type of pen, not a pen with a lid.
  • Really the only dislike I had that would be considered a dislike is at times of planning I am heavy handed. With the Sharp point, I tend to poke through the pages.
  • One more dislike and I will be done, but at times an the longer you wrote with the pen at times skipped.
That is my review on the Pilot AcroBall pens I was given for free** from Influenster Supermom VOX BOX.
   In a few days, when things begin to slow down in my house, I will add pictures of the products as well.

  • You can go here and see what all I received for FREE** in my VOX BOX.
  • Interested in Influenster, go check out their website here.

**Disclaimer: All items were sent to me from in exchange of reviewing and giving feedback on all of the products that I have received.  You could get a VOX BOX when they have are offering one by visiting their website here and signing up! :)

Thank Y'all For Reading!!! Come Again!


Thursday, June 2, 2016

Softballs Aren't So Soft

I really need to do my research as to how softballs got their name softballs. Is it because baseballs were already owned by the boy club or is it because they think all girls are softies. Because let me tell you softballs aren't so soft. Just ask Ryleigh, I am sure she would tell you they aren't so soft. Thursday night game Ryleigh got hit once again with the softball. The first two games she was hit in the leg, no big deal, small bruise she brushed it off. Not tonight, she was bawling she got smacked right in the side in the lower region of her ribs. It doesn't seem to be bruising, but its a whelped up circle on her side.  I will insert a picture below..

        Again after seeing these pictures whomever state softballs to be "soft" were crazy. 

      The following picture, I was taking of my baby girl batting, but I just so happen catched her doubled over in pain right after she got hit! GO ME! Not really, because she's hurting and I just wanted a picture of her up to bat. 

You can tell by the lady in whites facial expression that it was a hard hit. But she roughed it out and ran her bases. Got to the dugout and cried to momma. Momma came to the rescue tho, got her a bag of ice along with some FROYO!!!

Thanks for reading. Got any insight on how a softball got its name. Comment below, because I love learning new things. 


Why Do You Have To Be So Mean?

Why are kids mean? I teach mine to like everyone no matter if they are or seem different. Brayden went to the ball field with me today because his practice for his was canceled. Brayden and a group of the boys his age were playing just fine all night. Right before the game ended because well that's a whole other situation. But it was late some of Braydens friends had left and older boys not by much came up to the dirt mound. Well as I was walking to go smoke as this game shot my anxiety up a Wii bit.  But I started yelling at Brayden to stop. A small Gatorade bottle of sand and water he was drinking and the boys were saying chug it chug it. I said who made you do it Brayden. Because Brayden has a  form of  Autism and it doesn't make him an idiot. He knew better. I asked again who made you do at first Brayden pointed at the boy in the orange shirt. He denied it but could tell on his face he wasn't telling the whole truth. Then the other boys denied it as well as Brayden this time. On the way home he confessed and said momma the boy in the orange told me if I drank it he'd be my friend. I just want friends to play with. Those that have read or know understand that the type of autism Brayden has affects him in a social aspect as well as language. My heart shatter. Why did that boy have to be so mean? Why? I can't explain to everyone that he has this and just wants friends. This sleeping handsome little boy just wants friends. He acts a little different but don't we all. And granted he does have friends. Best friends at that but meeting new people he feels he has to do whatever they say to be accepted by them.

To the mean little boy that I can't discipline for honestly being an asshole.  The little boy above is my little boy. I may be over protective and that mom that cares to much. (Trust me there are moms who care so much for their kids and some who don't.) but he's my little boy just like you are your moms little boy and I am sure if she knew that you were drinking dirt mixed with water that she'd be heartbroken to know that you done it to be social accepted. Because this momma was heartbroken. I am still heart broke . And will be until we can get Brayden the social help that's needed. In which he had his second appointment tomorrow. 

Please if all possible parents educate your children on the importance that not all children are the same. As well as educating them that some children that they feel act weird, or different than them may actually be different. As well as in our case may have Autism. Educate your children on Autism if your child doesn't have it.

This broken, heartbroken, tore down, shattered momma is heading to bed. 

Y'all come back


Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Palmolive Fusion Review

Palmolive Fusion Review: 

This may possibly be a short review. Matter of a fact I am sure it will be considering it's just a dish soap. However, I liked it. It's 24 hour stuck on food. I guess with the enhancement of baking soda really does get those baked on, stuck on food.  I have used almost half of it by now and only have had it for a few weeks. The only issue that I have with the one that I have received, is the smell of the Key Lime one mixed with baking soda just isn't something I like. In my personal opinion  it stinks.  But I have continued to use it because it actually again in my opinion works. It holds up to the removal of 24 hour stuck on mess.

First Vox Box From Influenster

Right now, I am experiencing my computer going as slow as a herd of turtles and it is damn near 12:30 am, but I felt I'd blog a little. But then again, it may get finished in the AM when my computer decides it wants to move faster than the heard of turtles spoke of before.  I am only staying up or have stayed up well for a few reasons. 1. Ryleigh has gotten in bed with us just about every night since last sunday. We put an egg crate cushion to see if that helps. Well as I write this my dog who has very loud charms on his collar just shook, rattled, and rolled really loudly in their room. So prime example of why I am staying awake for a bit to make sure RY stays in her bed tonight. 2. I was awfully tired yesterday as well as a horrible headache. Therefor, I slept until 1:30pm.

Well if you go to Influenster website and sign up for FREE. What is more fulfilling than getting things for FREE ? If only I could get a car to test drive for FREE!

I feel that the VOX BOXES are few and far in between, almost some what hard to come by. I have friends that have gotten multiple boxes. This box was my first box to receive and I am not complaining. In my opinion, I got some pretty good products to review for free! I was in shock really considering, I knew some of the sizes of products were normal sizes. But I mean seriously I got 4 things for sure for FREE. They were regular store purchasing sizes. I GOT FOR FREE! How many times, can I say FREE. Just wait you will hear it more.

Considering it is so late, an although it's my kids summer vacation. I seemingly need to get some sleep. I am going to just list what I received in my Super MOM VOX BOX and as I have reviewed the products, I will add another blog post!

As well as it being late, that means, I am sitting in my room beside Ken snoring in the dark. I am going to remember off hand what I got. Which isn't off hand considering I am in the process of uploading the video to our You Tube Channel, The Eichhorst Family

You can go see what was in the box and the wonderful sizes at Influenster Supermom Vox BOX

In the Super Mom Vox Box, I received completely free as a gift as well as to review as follows....

Suave Professional Mask Coconut Milk: My Review Here
Suave Purely Fun Kids Shampoo: My Review Here
Palmolive Fusion: My Review Here
Pilot Acroball: My Review Here
Daisy Coupon: FREE Sqeezeable Daisy Sour Cream Coupon
Plackers Flossers: Only Found At Target: My Review Here
Sample Size Secret Outlast Xtend Completely Clean: My Review Here

I can't wait to recieve another awesome Vox Box!

