Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Money From Home

Would You Enjoy Making Just A Little Bit Of Extra Cash

I get asked quite often all what I do to earn money from home.  I do a lot it seems. I am a part of quite a bit of websites. Some I work faithfully with everyday. Some I only go to once a week.  Maybe even once a month.

I'm going to make a list with the sign up site to go start making money! Most of everything that I have signed up with and started making money from home with is Free to sign up!  I mean FREEE money! What will hurt!?

1. SwagBucks- Make a junk email! You complete free offers to earn swagbucks. Also go on Swagbucks on facebook and they will show when a swag code is up and on certain days they give you a code worth 10 SB.  (I do this one everyday!)  I recently cashed out for $25.00 in my paypal account.  Also I have this as my main search engine, you can earn up to 20 SB a day by searching stuff. Which is worth 2500 SB and it took me two weeks to get them just working with it for 30 mins a day.  Today I earned 349 points working for 30 mins.  NOTHING HARD and it is free!  But they have others that you can cash out for Gift Cards as well.

2. InstaGC- Make a different Junk Email!  It's just like SwagBucks except you can't cash out for paypal.  You can cash out for GiftCards. Or Every 100 points is worth a dollar and when you feel that you have accumulated enough money you can request a check.  AGAIN NOTHING HARD! I just recently started working this everyday! In 20 mins today I got 190 coins

3. InBox Dollars- To be able to do this one I must have your email to send you an invite! :)

This is where you can earn money by reading emails, completing surveys, doing free offers, and even searching.  $5.00 sign up bonus.

4. Panda Research- It's basically doing surveys! $3.00 sign on bonus! I've done this before and got side tracked and I actually in a month of doing it cashed out at $50. So I recently started doing it again! Extra Christmas Money!

5.  Instant Rewards- are you good at marketing? Making Ads?  Try this out! Sign up is Free and once you sign up to activate your account. You must complete an offer that applies a credit of 1.00.  It's simple why because when I started I had to pay a dollar.  Now that I'm in the program and marketing it. They have an offer that is completely FREE!  Once you get going and making ads you can make $20 a person.  That's right $20 a person.  It's to help promote business to Fortune 500 companies that in retro spec kind of get side tracked because they are mainly online.

6. Email Processing:  This is the only one that I have paid a lot of money for! I paid $25 dollars to start and before you know it! I was on my way of making $25 each time someone processed an email.

I do recommend getting a different email for SwagBucks, InstaGC, Panda Research, and Inbox Pays. Due to the fact that most of the offers are all the same! :)


It's really odd timing to be getting the flu, so I thought! Granted I had symptoms of the flu this weekend, however, come to find out yesterday morning. I was diagnosed with Asthmatic Bronchial Pneumonia,  I usually get this once or twice a year around about this time. However, I had the worse case that I have had in years.  I felt as if I was helpless and dying.  My lungs burned, my back/spine ached, my chest felt as if I had a ton of bricks on top of it.  I have never felt this bad in my life.  I swear to Jesus I would have ten more c-sections than to feel this pain.  Your lungs is a vital organ, my lungs yesterday felt as if I had no life left.  Last night, I was trying to fold towels and I ended up having a really bad asthma attack. I couldn't breathe I was panting for air.  Luckily I feel as if my little girl was my savior yesterday. She was the only one in the house. My inhaler was empty my new one was in my car. I called for her.  Next thing I know she ran outside to Ken Daddy and he got my new inhaler out of the car and I started and was able to breathe.

I as of today feels a whole lot better than I did last night.  I hope anyone that ever has had this diagnosis take it seriously because before you know it one gasp of air  could be your life.  I have had mini asthama attacks where I could catch my breathe on my own. Last night was the first time I have ever had to have my inhaler to help me get my breathe back!

So please anyone that has this take it seriously! :)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Time Management?

Time Management

I question time management for the lack there of.  I always seems so rushed. Kind of like that song by Alabama that goes (I keep rushing and rushing until lifes no fun). Granted we just recently moved into a different house (the house I grew up in) and we have a lot of stuff. It's kind of pathetic how much a family of four can aquire over the years [Mainly my boyfriends stuff].  It's to the point where it becomes overwhelming.  I feel as if I'm always cleaning and I'm always doing laundry, granted with children you are always doing laundry. But I don't ever just have time to relax it seems.  Although everyone says that I relax all the time, but not everyone is here with me everyday on a daily basis.   I want my kids to have a more structured life, I'm not saying a more strict life, but to have little less chaos.   Yes, I know that with children chaos is something that will Occasionally Happen. But it seems these past few months everything is a big ball of chaos fixing to explode.

Since my son has start Pre-K I have had 4 hours a day to get everything done.  But everyday it seems as if I'm going through boxes throwing away everything we don't need.  Which is good but before I know it he's getting off the bus, with demands of being hungry.  They serve him lunch at school but my son every since being a baby has always been picky.  There is only certain things he will eat.  Before anyone thinks it yes, we have tried many times to get him to eat certain foods by even hiding it in foods he loves.  The little stinker won't eat it. 

So In the Next Few Days, I'm researching on top of cleaning and what not to get things put on a schedule. It's a must and can't go very much longer without. Don't get me wrong I'm not one of those mothers that allow her children to stay up until Midnight on school days.  The latest my kids are allowed to stay awake is 8. Except for my daughter on Wednesday she goes to church with my mother and sometimes don't get home until 10.  Which is fine because she never wakes up not wanting to go to school yet!  However, she's fixing to start getting busy especially when Dance starts.

Hopefully once all the chaos slows down and what not I will be able to blog a lot more! :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Sadness That Gloomed My House This Morning

Today Was The Day That My 4 Year Old......started pre-school.  This momma cried like a big ol' baby!  I have had 4 years to prepare myself for this day. needless to say it wasn't what I expected.  I have been doing really well the past few months knowing that this day was coming.  It wasn't until yesterday when Ken Daddy and I were preparing him for this day that he expressed, "Not Actually", when asked if he was ready to start school today! :(  I even contemplated in letting him stay home another year, I'm mean whats it going to hurt right? Well a lot in our situation is because he hasn't ever been in daycare nor has he ever had a set of kids to play with all the time.   He hasn't had a lot of socialization.  So today was really hard on me.  I was fine leaving the school, driving home, but it hit me when we got home and I didn't have my racing buddy anymore! :(  Brayden and I always have this game that when we get out of the car we race to see who can make it to the front door fastest.   I didn't have that this morning.  Considering that the school itself didn't start today until 9 am due to a condensed fog this morning.  When I say a condensed fog, this stuff was thick.  We opened the door and you couldn't see past the front porch!  So he kind of lucked out! :)

Now it's time to get off of here and get some things around the house done before sissy gets home! :)

I love my kids with all my might but sending them to school has tore me down! :(

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Fall already?

I love the weather we are having! Feels like fall is coming really soon which makes me happy! Fall is my favorite time of year. Love the cool breeze and the cold nights. Makes for a peaceful night sleep!

What does everyone do during the fall?

I myself get prepared for dance (my daughter does dance), get ready for Halloween, and it seems I spring clean during the fall.  Haha funny I know!

Well I'll try to post more tomorrow I'm sleepy now!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Second Grade

Today officially kicked off the first week of second grade for my daughter. Guess what!? We were 10 minutes late due to the fact that my son shut the alarm off this morning so he could here his cartoon. (No I don't let my children roam around while I sleep but my son will get up in the mornings and come lay in bed and watch his cartoons) however she made it to school just a few mins late! In 8 minutes I will here all about her day went. Then its home to finish laundry and let kids play before the storm rolls in! :)

** Well I said I would here a lot about about how her day went but instead all I heard was it was ok and she doesn't feel good.  She actually had a fall today as well, but that wasn't at school.  My daughter is a graceful dancer.  She can dance her little heart out but can not walk with her own two feet without at least tripping over her own feet once a day!  They have no homework so therefor it's going to be a pretty easy night. Hopefully we can get to be early and get things going a little better tonight.  Sometimes getting back into the swing of things isn't always easy.  I know being a stay at home mother isn't always easy, because you are the go to person everyone runs to.  Wouldn't change it for the world though! :)

$5 Instant Cash 

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Have you noticed how many anodynes there are laying around on the floor


I know I'm by far the only one in this world to suffer from insomnia.  In four days I've had roughly 15 hours asleep. That seems like a lot but really it isn't considering, unless my insomnia strikes, I get a good 8-10 hours of sleep.  I have always suffered with this disease because it is one but I haven't had a spell like this in a long time. I'm assuming it has to deal with the stress I've been under. My daughter started school this past Friday and my son starts school for the FIRST time on the 19th. Stress that he's gonna not be use to how school works, what its really about, and that mommy can't go. Hoping that I can get a part time job. Although I bring in money with LilyBean&Baxter & Instant Rewards, I'm ready to get out of the house for a few hours a day.  Also under tons of stress due to the fact we are down to one vehicle right now. My boyfriend has my car from 5 am until he gets home about 4. Luckily my sister lives a block from me and we are sharing what use to be my old car that she has taken over. Which is fine by me, so she can have something in case something happened. 

Considering I have to be wide eyed and bushy tell in roughly 5 and half hours I am finally after 4 hours has passed since I took some melatonin. I'm ready to pass out.

Chaotic Reality

For those that maybe interested in the things I post. I must say I'm extremely sorry. Not sure if I have posted this but in the last three months basically all summer we have been in the process of moving! Between the move, preparing children for school (yes my baby boy starts prek this year), then unpacking and organizin/cleaning I've been busy. Also the only internet I've had is my phone and we haven't been able to WiFi so its charging us to use our data. I'm hoping in the next few days to be finish unpacking and start relaxing especially since my daughter starts school this Friday. Then Brayden my son starts on the 19th. I will post another post about my feelings toward my kids growing older. I've actually got a lot of stuff to blog about. There's a lot going on as soon as I get my WiFi hooked up in the next few days I will be back! And start posting more about the Chaotic life. :)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Back 2 School Deals

Not sure how well the pictures show up but please check out the this awesome Back 2 School Deal that we affiliates are offering at LilyBean & Baxter.

HOT DEAL! Purchase a BackPack and Lunch Box and get a Pencil Case for Free!!