Here is my view point on it.
1. Most of the ones getting hurt in my opinion are using the game as a crutch for their stupidity. Most of them getting hurt are grown folks that know better. The game itself gets kids active and moving around and having fun. Along with grown adults. But if you seriously walk into on coming traffic because you found a picachu. No offense you should be hit. Not saying die or anything but if you don't have common sense then Lord be with you through this game. As well as falling off a cliff. I'm sorry sounds more like stupidity kicked in once again and as a grown adult wasn't paying attention.
2. A criminal is gonna commit a crime no matter what games are out. I mean seriously if you think about it if they were "smart" which robbing someone blind isn't smart by no means. But usually robbers want in and out (so the tv shows show) why on earth would they stop for a minute to catch a Pokemon character.
3. Tracking. Most people who own a smart phone know that a smart phone is nothing but a hand held compute that you can text and make calls on. They freeze like a computer does and does weird crap like computers do. But people are coming up with these crazy things on how it's giving people rights to track you as well as hack you. Well news flash in 2016 you can be on your home private computer and someone over in Japan can be watching you through the webcam. (That's why you should put duck tape over it. And remove it when you use it.) so no matter what you can be tracked doing anything in this day and time. ( turn your location access off after playing the game.)
4. Must add one more thing. If you are an adult that knows better and you are that bad into the game that you want to catch a trespassing charge to catch picachu. By all means spend you a night in jail. Now if you are an adult with common sense teach your children that do know right from wrong but don't quite understand the legal system that this game can actually teach responsibility. If you see a character in a spot that has a huge sign that says NO TRESPASSING be responsible enough to find a different one.
Now my reasoning of downloading the game is my seven year old is a huge Pokemon fan. Has a picachu and evie plushy, has cards out the wazoo, and even has cups. (Oh and he is also starting the second grade with a Pokemon back pack.) Needless to say until we ran out of poke balls, was the highlight of his day. As well as this past weekend him and his sister have had friends over and have swam all weekend. Leaving me with two semi blistered babies. But don't worry we did keep reapplying sunscreen so it isn't as bad.
This game will be fun with my kids until they get bored with it. As well as allowing them to be responsible and smart judgement. Guess what we were walking our block that crosses a busy intersection. You won't believe it but I made my kids stop and look for traffic BOTH times we crossed it.
*i knew my son had two mismatching flip flops (he usually does) as well as 9chances out of ten he's got two of the same feet.*
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