Thursday, January 10, 2019

What's Ahead For 2019?

Resolutions, I don't like making them to be honest.  I feel like a lot of times its just a New year tradition that it started way back when and people got accustom to have resolutions. Therefor,  I don't really have a resolution but things I want to improve or things I'd love to achieve with the mindset that if I don't achieve them; that its ok. 

That leads me into what's ahead for 2019, things that I may achieve before 2020 but won't beat myself up if I don't.   It may have a lot but somethings can tie into each other.

2019 I want to:
* Get Organized; because lets face it I try so hard to "be" organized but in reality I live within a very cluttered mind.
*Let go of things I can not control.
* I want to start Vlogging & blogging more. (Which I know I have mention a few post back about starting a new one that strictly focuses around mental illness. Well I'm hoping to get that going soon, maybe tomorrow get it up and running. But lets face it, I havent had a chance to start it due to the holidays.)
* Be more adventurous
*More Date nights with Ken(I want to strive for one every month)
* Girls night (ya know, we all grow up and have families of our own)
* more one on one time with my kids and together with both.

Those are just a few things, I have more that I've wrote down in my planner, so I will add more when I get to it.

You may ask about why the two blogs, well because when starting this one I wanted to focus around things that was more family and lifestyle. But in the last two years I have experience a lot from my mental illness even to this day  and feel that by sharing my stories through, addiction, anxiety, depression, and sobriety that it will show and help others in knowing there is Hope And Life After All. So stay tuned my friends. We have winter weather moving in and well I don't like winter to begin with but when ya throw in an icy mix, I turn into a homebody.

Anyways, its way past my bedtime, well kind of because bedtime is different for me every night.

So share your New Year thoughts, things you want to approve, or if you make a resolution. Tell me....


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