Thursday, April 18, 2013

I'm Going to Rant

Facebook Rant

Anyone that has a smart phone I'm sure has a Facebook app. I've never really had problems with my app besides the few times it would freeze because I'm always on there between keeping up with friends, family, and working! Let's face it I'm a stay at home mom Lord himself knows I'm not gonna clean ALL day long! But for the past few days seemed just about everytime I was on it! I get a message that said Facebook stop working force shut down. So thinking I'd fix the problem I was due for an update so I updated it! Ha, jokes on me because now all it does is go to a blank screen and about a minute later says Facebook is not responding. You bet your money I reported it. I understand that a lot of the apps are free but seriously to be able to get the Free apps we pay for service through our providers right!? Why yes yes we do. ( sorry little phineas and ferb moment there) However, even if we report it doesn't always mean they are gonna fix it.

Now on to a mommy rant:

I love both my children with everything in me! But what aggravates me is their "sperm donors" don't. My daughters dad has had nothing to do with her, well let's do the math. Him and I were together for a year and half after she was born he seen her wait for it...FOUR times and once when she was two and half. However in seven years with the help financially from my parents because doing it by myself it was hard. Still is but after seven years he was order to pay child support. But does he why hell no I believe we have gotten 540 dollars in 6 months and that was in two months. Before you think it no that doesn't justify the seven years he hasn't paid. However to anyone else out there going through this why force the issue yes I know he help make her but he's never been there. She knows about him because I have never lied to her but just say I was young and dumb and didn't listen to anyone. But ended up with a beautiful daughter but I was young and now I'm older I have learned things about him and what not that NO my daughter would never in her life be alone with him.

I will finish my rants later the car line is moving!

Finishing rant on baby daddies my sons dad well he sees him basically when its convient or he remembers to call. Which hasn't been in quite some time. His birthday was February 20th, and his dad hasn't seen him since about a week after his birthday. Yes, he has called but hasn't called or answer his phone since Easter.  Him and I before that gotten into it because he wants to put things on Facebook that are way out of content.  Basically I feel and again any woman going thru this don't chase a man to have something to do with his kid. Because in the end your only hurting yourself and your child because of the broken promises why put your child through that!

A lawyer once told someone I knew if a man wanted his child or to see his child he would walk miles if he had to. If he has a car a drives by your house and doesn't stop he doesn't care.  He may say he does but does he really?

BTW my Facebook app started working. I was just ranting lol

I'm going to get off here before this storm and wind blows me away! Probably hard to do but they are some pretty strong winds!

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