Monday, April 15, 2013


As I'm sitting here waiting on my daughter to get done with dance class, realizing I have 30 minutes before she's done! What better way to occupy myself than to blog!

I titled this relationships because I've always been told I give great relationship advice.  Therefore, thought I'd share some information I feel that a lot of people don't pay a lot of attention to. That is domestic violence..

....the reason I say people don't pay close attention to it is because people tend to look more onto the extreme physical violence. Not realizing that domestic violence can be verbal and non verbal as well.

Verbal: when you are in a relationship weather it's a month or years of your significant other is constantly putting you down that is a form of verbal abuse. Example: Your a Stupid Bitch is the only verbal but constantly calling you stupid even with out bitch at the end of it is verbal abusive. Texting you while you are at school or work saying you better not be talking to any boys/girls (yes girls can be the abuser) not only is verbal abusive but controlling as well. Downgrades are verbal abuse such as your worthless or my favorite you won't fond anyone better than me. Well the old saying goes there is more fish in the sea! How true that is my friends.

Non Verbal: the obvious of course would be slapping,punching, kicking,screaming, and biting! But did you know even if the abuser doesn't hit you but hits a wall in the middle of an argument is consider physical abuse? It is that shows that he or she needs anger management along with the fact that he shows some remorse but shows he/she wants to hit you but had enough control to hit something else. But also have you ever been with someone that y'all had been fighting all day and decide to go out but in the car you can yell their still aggravated because they ate squeezing your hand way to tight and won't stop? That my friends is physical the abuser doesn't have hall of and throw you around like a rag doll but if its happening on the first few months of your relationship I'm sure it will never end and will get worse.
Controls/Threats: These are part of verbal abuse if you are with someone and they control down to the point of how you should wear your hair that's controlling. No I'm not saying asking for someone's opinion because I'll fox my hair or asky boyfriend how should I wear my hair and he always says curly because he likes my curly hair. But someone telling you I better not catch you cutting your hair that's controlling that can lead to threatening which can later leas to physical abuse.

Before closing now, I want clarify that every relationship has arguments but none of them should ever end up as a Monday night Raw Match. Relationships play fight or wrestle that's OK but when it goes to more than just playing get out while you can. The first month or even six months a relationship is grand but usually after most of the time two months you see the real person.

Need any advice? Contact me!

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