Monday, August 12, 2013

Second Grade

Today officially kicked off the first week of second grade for my daughter. Guess what!? We were 10 minutes late due to the fact that my son shut the alarm off this morning so he could here his cartoon. (No I don't let my children roam around while I sleep but my son will get up in the mornings and come lay in bed and watch his cartoons) however she made it to school just a few mins late! In 8 minutes I will here all about her day went. Then its home to finish laundry and let kids play before the storm rolls in! :)

** Well I said I would here a lot about about how her day went but instead all I heard was it was ok and she doesn't feel good.  She actually had a fall today as well, but that wasn't at school.  My daughter is a graceful dancer.  She can dance her little heart out but can not walk with her own two feet without at least tripping over her own feet once a day!  They have no homework so therefor it's going to be a pretty easy night. Hopefully we can get to be early and get things going a little better tonight.  Sometimes getting back into the swing of things isn't always easy.  I know being a stay at home mother isn't always easy, because you are the go to person everyone runs to.  Wouldn't change it for the world though! :)

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