Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Morning Routine

In reality and middle of all the chaos, I don't really have a set routine. My kids are like me and very rarely eat breakfast. (Yes, I make my kids breakfast if they are hungry in the morning!) I as well am human and have ran late in the mornings.   Lately I have been waking up between 6:30 & 7. More toward 6:30, especially on Wednesdays and Thursday's, mainly because my dad switched jobs awhile back and actually has time off during the weeks. Wednesday's and Thursdays and instead of setting a very loud alarm usually my mom will sleep in the other so in the mornings when she has to get up she doesn't disturb him. Therefor I am my mothers alarm but not for long because summer break is right around the corner. Usually once I get the kids dressed, fed if they wanna eat, and out the door by 20 til 8 on mornings they wanna eat breakfast at school. Other mornings we leave 10 minutes until 8. The routines aren't really routine. My blog wouldn't be named Occasionally Chaotic if I was strictly to the T all the time.  

Once the kids are off to school, if I have errands to run, the mornings is when I'll do them. I don't normally have something to do everyday but this week I have. The dentist I went Monday, went and picked up a few items Tuesday, helped my mom today and dance for Ryleigh. Tomorrow is another day but it's an unexpected day for an errand.  Friday is bill day. 

Okay, back to the normal routine. I start laundry. I do sit and watch TV for a bit to finish waking up because let's be serious who in their right mind likes waking up at 6:30 am every morning? Not I, but I am a mom and that's what I do. 

After I get chores done around the house and some outside such as picking up things I see obvious in the yard that needs not be there or just simple cleaning sweaping off the porch. Usually by time the morning is gone it's more up in the air that afternoon. 

Seriously tho, it's end of the school year, dance year is ending, and summer activities and TBALL starting. My life isn't always chaotic just occasionally.  But the coming up morning will catch some photos of what we do. 

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