Thursday, June 2, 2016

Softballs Aren't So Soft

I really need to do my research as to how softballs got their name softballs. Is it because baseballs were already owned by the boy club or is it because they think all girls are softies. Because let me tell you softballs aren't so soft. Just ask Ryleigh, I am sure she would tell you they aren't so soft. Thursday night game Ryleigh got hit once again with the softball. The first two games she was hit in the leg, no big deal, small bruise she brushed it off. Not tonight, she was bawling she got smacked right in the side in the lower region of her ribs. It doesn't seem to be bruising, but its a whelped up circle on her side.  I will insert a picture below..

        Again after seeing these pictures whomever state softballs to be "soft" were crazy. 

      The following picture, I was taking of my baby girl batting, but I just so happen catched her doubled over in pain right after she got hit! GO ME! Not really, because she's hurting and I just wanted a picture of her up to bat. 

You can tell by the lady in whites facial expression that it was a hard hit. But she roughed it out and ran her bases. Got to the dugout and cried to momma. Momma came to the rescue tho, got her a bag of ice along with some FROYO!!!

Thanks for reading. Got any insight on how a softball got its name. Comment below, because I love learning new things. 


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